Created for Work by Bob Schultz

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  • CareyWard

    I was looking to buy Boyhood and Beyond to use with my son, 8yrs old. I keep finding references to another book by Bob Schultz called Created to Work. Has anyone used this also? I’m finding really favorable reviews about a good work ethic and doing your work with your wholeheart…..Any info would be appreciated.




    oh, I should clarify, I want to use both books as character builders.

    Rachel White

    I haven’t used them yet, but read a bit about them, too. It is my understanding that Boyhood and Beyond is moral based teachings, then Created for work is working for the Glory of G-d.

    For me, I’m going to read Boyhood and Beyond first, since it seems to be a moral grounding book then the “…Work” book; being a natural extension after having a devotion on moral grounding.

    Also, most of what I’ve seen the age part was higher for n”…Work”, than for “…Beyond”.

    HTH, but keep in mind, I haven’t read them yet. Hopefully someone who has used them will chime in!




    We’ve used both of these books with our sons, to good effect.  I really liked how Schultz combined scriptural lessons into work–he’s a contractor, so a lot of the examples and stories had to do with construction.  My sons found it interesting and found lessons to apply to their own lives.  It was good, because we’re all pretty white-collar around here I’m afraid  🙂 and we had lots of good discussions on how to apply the same principles to the work we do or are thinking of pursuing.  Recommended from this house of boys.  🙂


    We have been using Created for Work as an evening devotional for our family for some time. I can’t say enough good things about this book. There are many profound truths found within a seemingly simple context, which have encouraged and inspired our whole family (especially the Mom!) Even though it is written to a boys’ or men’s audience, the Biblical truths found in this book apply to everyone. The Lord has used this book to speak to my heart on many evenings, and given me things to “chew on” even days afterward. HTH! Sincerely, Nancy


    Nancy what are the ages of your dc?

    Bookworm what ages were your boys when you used them?




    Thank you all for the info! I’m going to go ahead and get them both. I think my son will enjoy them. As a single Mom it’s hard for me to see his of things sometimes and I want him to learn Godly values and morals from positive male role models.

    Thanks Again,




    We have five children, ranging from 13yrs. down to 2yrs. The only child out of the book’s “age range”, if you want to call it that, is really the 2 yr. old. The principles of the book, however, like so many other good books, can have that trickle-down effect, indirectly being a benefit even to the littles as the olders implement the principles into daily life. This book is not difficult at all to use as a family. ~Nancy



    Thank you for answering my question…I have the book but haven’t really picked it up to really look at it..I knew it would be a good book but just didn’t know how to use it. So your comments have inspired me to look at it and show my husband, we are actually inbetween books with the kids right now so we have been looking for something to do as a family.Thanks.



    I just finished Boyhood and Beyond with my almost 13 year old son and we loved it.  It made him really think about the man God wants him to become and how he can start working on areas in his life now to prepare him for a wife and family someday. They are never “too young” to learn what God’s Word says about being a man, husband, and father.  The author has great ways to teach the lessons.  We are starting Created for Work next week and we can’t wait-especially since we are planning to move soon to Texas and he will be helping my dh build a home for us.  

    Just an FYI-Bob Schultz also came out with a third book in the series recently that I already bought called Practical Happiness: A Young Man’s Guide To a Contented Life.

    Hope this helps…….Blessings, Danielle


    I was privileged to know Bob Schultz growing up. He was one dad in our homeschool circles that I had a lot of respect for. The humorus thing is that he was a father to all daughters – not a son in the bunch, 😉 and yet he could relate to boys well. 

    I read Boyhood and Beyond this year and was very impressed with it. I plan on purchasing it for my son when he is older.

    Bob Schultz passed away a few years ago, but left behind a very honorable and memorable legacy.


    Mr. Schultz’ books had a great impact on my oldest son. It really got him thinking. I could tell a huge difference in his attitude after reading the books. Also, I notice that when he starts slipping he picks these books up on his own to read them.


    I wanted to thank everyone for your input. We received the books several weeks ago and started reading them before bed about 5 days ago. My son loves them and I have noticed him putting some of the things to use already. For instance today he became whiney about something…I looked at him and very calmly asked if he was being whiney. (one of the chapters in the book gives and analogy of a boy named Whiney) He looked at me and I could see the wheels turning in his head. He squared his shoulders and looked me dead in the eye and said “Yes, Ma’am. I’m sorry.” I almost jumped for joy.

    I would definitely recommend this book to any and every one with a boy. I can’t wait to finish this book and start the next.


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