Could someone post a schedule for your sixth grader?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Could someone post a schedule for your sixth grader?

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  • 2flowerboys

    Please 🙂 Just would like a sample..and maybe a few books he/she is reading too!

    Thank you


    OH! I would also LOVE to see an example as well! Thank you for asking for this 2flowerboys!


    Here are my daughter’s term charts from 2012-2013 when she was in 6th grade.

    I didn’t schedule her days so much as her weeks, but I did give her an example of how to do it.





    The block schedule was from our first term. I shared it as an example.

    We dropped a couple of books due to time – Winston Churchill bio., Swallows & Amazons, and Book of Marvels (she will read on her on this coming year.)



    My 11YO is starting 6th grade this fall. We do a memory program similar to Classical Conversations, but aside from that our schedule is as follows:

    Math – Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (he started it back in the spring)

    History – we’re doing SCM’s Ancient Egypt and all the associated readings; also one entry/week in his timeline book

    Geography – DS will be finishing up Geography: A Literature Approach. He has one book left – Seabird.

    Science – Noeo Physics II as a family

    Language Arts – Bravewriter Arrow/Boomerang selections for dictation, which includes one book per month; continuing to read classic literature as a family at bedtime

    Religion – Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, Great Adventure Kids, Young Peacemaker, continue with Scripture memory.

    Foreign Language – Rosetta Stone Korean; I’m trying to work out some lessons with his grandmother, who is a native speaker

    Music – Children’s Music Journey for piano, guitar lessons with DH

    Misc. family studies – Rembrandt (artist study), Handel (composer study), Longfellow (poetry study), Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare), Jack’s Insects, sketching, Nature Friend Magazine (nature study), selected art projects

    He’s also staring a Commonplace Book this year.

    His day looks like this, with breaks in between each item:

    morning chores, breakfast

    Math (30 minutes)

    Family subjects (about an hour)

    Individual work (about an hour)

    Independent readings (about thirty minutes)

    Lunch (with a history reading)

    Afternoons a free for him to finish up anything he has left, extra reading he needs to do, free time with his siblings, outdoor time.


    Awesome Christie, thanks!!

    Jawgee, thanks so much for sharing yours! 🙂


    My son is going into 6th. Here is what he does…

    LA: Spelling Wisdom. 2x per week, IEW – 1 writing assignment per week, Our Mother Tongue – 3x per week

    Math: LOF Decimals and Percents – 3x per week, supplemented as necessary from Strayer Upton tan book

    Getting Started with Latin – 5 lessons per week

    Science – reading the SCM recommended science living books with written narrations, nature docs, etc.

    Geography – SCM Visits to Middle East – 3x per week

    Bible – SCM Life in the Word – 3x per week

    History – using Ancient Civs and the Bible, this varies greatly from week to week, lots of reading, book of centuries, mapping, unit projects, starting Story of the Greeks as well

    God and the History of Art

    With family – picture study, composer study, Who is God from Apologia, Laying Down the Rails, scripture memory

    Currently reading through – Mcguffey’s fourth, Fallacy Detective, Created for Work, Heaven’s Heroes. – all 1 chapter per week

    I can’t remember his whole lit list right now, but I remember some of it – Count of Monte Cristo, Swiss Family Robinson, hmm… drawing a blank. That’s all I can remember.


    thank you, ladies. I am finding it helpful as well as a bit enlightening.


    My future 6th grader will be doing the following:

    MUS Gamma, begin Delta

    SCM Greece study

    Rod and Staff English 5

    Finish Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, Pippi Longstocking, Wind and the Willows, Bambi  (not sure what else he will read for literature).  We are currently reading The Secret Garden and Miss Hickory at bedtime.

    Will begin a Book of Mottoes

    106 Days of Creation, Christian Liberty 5 (1 day a week), and we may finish Jack’s Insects together

    Short devotional 1 x a day

    Possibly read Boyhood and Beyond for character/personal dev.

    English from the Roots Up, OR, Word Roots independently

    Begin Shakespeare 1 x a week with family

    continue oral/written narrations

    LOVES poetry, music, reading aloud, and would like to learn American Sign Language (we’ll see)

    SW Book 2

    Life skills and sports will vary throughout the year and he will participate in Family Fine Arts and other recommended CM subjects.

    I think that’s it.


    I’ll have a 6th grader as well.  Here are her plans, although I don’t have a final schedule yet:

    MUS–daily lessons (we average a MUS lesson per week), finish Gamma (she has a few lessons left), I purchased Deta and Epsilon and hope to get a ways into Epsilon this year.

    Spelling Wisdom–2x/week

    Copywork–2x/week, may start book of mottoes, but she’s still working on capital cursive letters



    Independent reading–daily (usually a chapter)

    Our Mother Tongue–may hold off another year on this.  

    Mystery of History–we’ll be doing some writing with this (they write out a summary on index cards and there are some possile writing assignments).  It has 3 lessons per week, but I think we’ll be doing it daily since there is quite a bit each week

    106 Days of Creation–scheduled 3x/week, but we’ll probably work on it daily as well…they do best with shorter lessons.

    Prima Latina–3-4x/week, we’ll finish mid-year (started in January)

    Handicrafts–1-2x/week, Term 1: Future Christian Homemakers (cooking/cleaning lessons), Term 2: Drawing With Children, Term 3: changing lightbulbs, using tools, leathercrafting

    Literature–Chronicles of Narnia

    Bible–finish Exodus and Numbers commentary from last year, 2-3x/week,

    –Daily: Catechism memory, Scripture memory

    We aim to hit all the fine arts areas once a week, poetry 3x/week, we’ll be doing a Lewis Carroll poetry study sometime this year

    Independent reading books (I’m not sure how many she’ll actually get to): Hittite Warrior, The Bronze Bow, Cat of Bubastes (I’ll read aloud), Cheaper by the Dozen, By the Great Horn Spoon, Just So Stories, The Hobbit, King of the Golden River, Miracles on Maple Hill

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