Cost to buy Middle Ages/Ren/Ref Books?

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  • Tristan

    Hello everyone!  I am not on this forum much but have seen the new Guide put out by SCM for the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, and Epistles.  It looks like just what I am wanting for next year.  Sonya or others, my big question is simply does anyone have an idea of how much it will cost to buy the books for each group (family, 1st-3rd, etc)?  Yes, I am trying to get out of searching them down and adding myself if someone has already done the work.  I will have children from 5th grade on down. We are completely willing to buy what we need, I would just like an idea of how much it might cost. Also, if anyone knows a good place to buy any of the books please post about it here. 


    Thank you for any help or thoughts! 

    Alana Adams

    I just finished my shopping list over the weekend. I went back and deleted everything that did not pertain to module 4 and then deleted everything that was older than grade 5. I may have missed something, but I tried to be careful. :0). Also, I purchase as much as possible from Rainbow Resource because I don’t have a lot of time to spend shopping online. So, most of the books are new. I purchase downloads from SCM, instead of the printed book. With all of those disclaimers in mind, the total came to $246.36. I love Rainbow Resource. I’ve purchased from them for years and always rec’d excellent service. The books that we have purchased that SCM recommends have been EXCELLENT! It is so wonderful to have recommendations that you can trust. I’m sure you can buy it all for less, if you purchase used books.

    Hope this helps!


    Alana Adams

    And if my above post did not make any sense whatsoever, I apologize. I have to take pain meds for a back problem on some days, and it clouds my brain… Sorry.



    That makes great sense – thank you!  I love the book lists, right now I’ve pulled some through interlibrary loan to pre-read and they’ve all been great.  We like to buy our books too. 

    Doug Smith

    I’ve noticed recently that is now offering some used books from certain sellers with free shipping if you meet their $25 minimum order. That can be a great option if you prefer to buy instead of borrow from the library.


    Or if you’re library is like ours and doesn’t carry much of anything good…  I just placed an amazon order for all the books I need for Term 2 of Module 4!  Can’t wait to get them in.  In trying to save a little money, I was able to find 2 that I would be reading to the children on Kindle Mac.  Not a fan of computer reading, but they were both FREE, so that works for me!

    We do use interlibrary loan quite a bit, but it’s for 3 weeks and usually can’t recheck it out…so I end up buying.

    Just to give you an idea, here’s the order I placed today–9 books (2 were kindle) for about $75.  There were a few I just felt were too pricey, so I didn’t get them.  I have a 7th grader, 5th grader, and 4 and 3 year olds.  So I mainly hit the 5th and 7th, with one or two for the littles, and one or two from the 10-12th bracket for me to read aloud.

    1“Around the World in a Hundred Years”
    Jean Fritz; Hardcover; $4.00

      Sold by: Green Is Good LLC1“Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess”
    Richard Platt; Paperback; $6.99

      Sold by:, LLC1“The Beggars’ Bible”
    Louise A. Vernon; Paperback; $8.99

      Sold by:, LLC1“Man Who Laid the Egg”
    Louise A. Vernon; Paperback; $8.99

      Sold by:, LLC1“The Magna Charta”
    James Daugherty; Paperback; $10.21

      Sold by:, LLC1“Voices of the Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Source Documents”
    Robert G. Shearer; Paperback; $18.95

    1“The World of Columbus and Sons”
    Genevieve Foster; Paperback; $10.00

    In Freedom’s Cause and Black Arrow—Free on Kindle for Mac.


    BTW, I would like to find more sites for reading books online, especially when doing Nature study and I only need a small part of it.  Suggestions?

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