Correlating map drill w/ history studies

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  • Abbaschild

    I am trying to figure out how to do map drill exercises if we are studying ancient history?  Should I just do map drill of modern day middle east and just point out as we go along in our readings the changes that took place in that area through the centuries?  Is this something that would depend on the age of the student (in other words, maybe require more memorization of the different nations/empires in ancient history from a high school student)?  My oldest is almost 12.  Thanks so much –


    Smile bumping


    Yes, I would modern day map drill. I don’t see much benefit in knowing the geography of the ancient world unless it is a great interest of you and your kids. 

    One book that I like is Then and Now Bible Maps to show both the old and the new which I find helpful for our Bible study, but we don’t use it for map drill.

    I am using and like Sonya’s method of studying one area for the whole year. We are using Module 3 (Ancient Rome), but our map drill studies are of the Mediterranean Sea region (modern). Each week we label what we already know (ie. Italy, Sicily, Sardenia, Corsica, Slovenia) and then we add something (ie. Croatia). By the end of the year we should have a really good grasp of this region. We use an atlas and blank outline maps for this.




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