I homeschooled my son until the middle of SK and then had to put him into school. Now with the school closed, he’s back home with me (and I’m thrilled about it!) When he was homeschooled previously, he had a natural interest in writing and usually formed his capital letters well. Pencil grip was good. He had not learned lowercase yet. I have noticed over the time he has been at school that he has learned many of his lowercase letters incorrectly. He has also developed an aversion to writing and is resistant to correction, so we are not doing much except cards to family members. However I am wondering about how to go about correcting his handwriting, when he is ready. Would we hold off on doing copywork until he has learned all the correct letter formations? He is supposed to know how to write two page journal entries for grade 2, which I fear will kill his interest in writing even further.
The journal entry, is it required for school at home program? Can it be modified or adjusted, can he draw pictures and add just a couple written lines for each picture? A two page written journal entry for 2nd grade seems like a lot of writing for that age.
If you have the option I would go back to basics. Start with bigger letters, drawing in dirt or sand or using a dry erase board. You can also find printable pages online that he can copy and trace over the letters. Don’t do too much at once, hand writing can be challenging, there is a lot going on with learning a new skill. I have three children and their hand writing skill and strength developed at different ages.
If the 2 pages are required, part of school at home program that you are not able to adjust at this time, I would suggest helping him by him telling you what he wants to write, you writing large and clearly and then he copies it in his own writing. Maybe just doing a line at a time throughout the day to break it up and not overwhelm.
Thanks for replying. The journal entries are currently at 1.5 pages, but we are told it will increase for next year. It’s on handwriting paper for primary level, not regular paper. Each week is a different assigned topic, such as “What I like about Easter”, or “The best day ever”, etc. The instructions are an opening sentence about the topic, several detailed sentences about the topic, and then a closing sentence. All handwriting is supposed to be neat, within the lines, and with proper capitalization and punctuation. Then draw a picture to go with the topic. We are not doing this as I withdrew from the e-learning plan. I’m currently assessing our options for fall. He’s a bright kid who narrates easily and without much prompting, and I much prefer the CM method.
I would say those are pretty high expectations for many 2nd graders.
I would continue with oral narrations and go back to basics with hand writing. Start simple and work up, maybe he is just a little “burnt out” and needs a break. And kids are so different when it comes to skills. I had one child who could write really well, had strong fine motor skills at that age, another one that even at 9 gets tired writing and a third right in the middle of the two.