right now my children are doing copywork from the Queen’s books – but eventually those run out and I’d like to see them take this on as their own thing, collecting passages from their own writings.
Here’s what I am thinking of doing for my 13 yo:
Giving him copywork passages for the first few weeks of school. He’ll be doing copywork 4 days per week.
Then, preparing him to collect his own by asking him to be on the lookout for a passage a week for about 3 weeks – 3 passages.
He’ll still be doing 4 passages, but 1 of them will be one he picks out.
Then upping that to 2 passages a week for 6 weeks – 12 more passages.
I might just continue the 2 passages a week for a while (alongside the prepared copywork that he can get from another source).
Then, I’ll ask for 3 passages a week for 9 weeks and eventually move to 4 passages per week that he selects on his own.
I’d love to know thoughts. I’m thinking of getting some copywork passages from currclick.
I think this is a great idea. It gives him accountability in not only his schooling but allows him to have some level of control in this area. Great way to give him some responsibility.
My 8 yo dd only does copywork twice a week as her handwriting is excellent and we also do spelling. We have a quote jar and she chooses a quote for one day to copy into her copywork book. The other day, she chooses from her American History reading a sentence or two to copy into her American History notebook that she’s creating.
Sometimes we do math copywork by copying math fact families into our math notebook.
She likes choosing her own copywork!
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