My girls balked at copywork before their teen years, so I decided not to make it a battle. One idea that I wish I had implemented was a Book of Mottoes. Charlotte recommended it, and I think it would be great for these older children.
Give each a beautiful journal in which to record favorite quotes from the books they are reading. Encourage them to use beautiful handwriting in their journals, to make each a keepsake for their children and future years of pleasure.
I have my teen daugthers write in a journal all the favorite quotations they have found and that way they willingly did it. They like to look back and see the quotes and one daughter illustrates her journal as well. It will be a nice keepsake for them. My horse lover even started a horse quote journal on her own, so that might be a way to do it, by having them write quotes they find about a hobby they love.
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