copywork /handwriting instruction

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  • Heather

    Hi Ladies,


     I asking for suggestions for a copywork type of workbook for teaching handwriting..


    Heather in Missouri


    I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, since it doesn’t really “teach” handwriting.  It’s the Happy Scribes series.  I downloaded several of them from CurrClick when they were on sale for 75 cents each.  They have a months worth of sentences (20)in a “book”.  I got ones for each month of the year, as well as some Biblical ones.  It’s nice that I can just print out the paper, and give it to my child.  They have a ton of different topics you can buy, depending on your child’s interests.
    I didn’t use a formal handwriting program, but these were nice for practice.

    Sonya Shafer

    We also have free copywork downloads available.

    Rachel White

    What style do you use? ZB, DN, AB, Italic, or HWT?



    If you are looking for a system of teaching writing – I like Peterson Directed Handwriting.  I use the cursive first option, but they do print and a transition, and cursive for those that aren’t doing cursive first.   You can either buy the preprinted books, or they have the option to buy the system in pdf format


    Sonya, your free copywork downloads are great… but would love them in cursive… 

    Sonya Shafer

    I like that idea, too, suzukimom, but have always gotten stumped figuring out which style to do them in. As Rachel pointed out above, there are a lot of options!


    Thank You Ladies!


    I have a little boy that can’t wait.. for his workbook to come in the mail..  They are all different and he loves to sit by me and do his “school books”. We are using developmental math, and I must brag he sat for 4  1/2 hours one day, with me by him, and did level one book in that time..  all of his own desire.. I wish the others would beg me to do school:) it’s usually me begging them to do school ! Suggestions on turning that around would be helpful too.

    Rachel: I used italic with my older two 11, 9 and my husband is not impressed, although the children have done extremely well with it, and I get many compliments on their handwriting, my husband would like to see a more traditional style for the next three..

    So, I am shopping for a system of handwriting..  the zaner blosser style and the rod and staff penmanship chart have been most appealing.. 


    I liked the Peterson Directed Handwriting, and thank you Alice for the scribes information I will use this with my older two..


    I so appreciate this community and the fact that I can ask a question and benefit from all your wisdom and experiences.

    Heather in Missouri

    Rachel White


    If you’ll refer back to my other post, this will make more sense.

    Here is the Presidential Penmanship I spoke about and the different fonts available for print and cursive. You can also access samples of each there and what each grade offers.

    I didn’t start this with mine until they had had practice first with their strokes (proper starting place and direction), my son had used A Reason for H/W and my dd HWT.  I’ll start the cursive after they’ve practiced the direction and starting points for the individual cursive letters, too.



    We also use Presedential Pennmanship for cursive (Grade 3) and love it.  We didn’t use anything before it.  Just started him off and he soon picked up how to poroperly do it. 

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