copywork for first grade- scm copybook readers?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Writing (Copywork & Composition) copywork for first grade- scm copybook readers?


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  • Grace


    My daughter is currently finishing up the A Reason for Handwriting K book.  I like it because it has bigger letters to copy than others I have seen.  I think she is ready to start copywork with words. I  think having copywork that has words that aren’t too small and some that she can trace would be great.  I also would prefer having her copy scripture.  I have looked at samples of delightful handwriting and SCM copybook readers.  I think delightful handwriting might be too much of a review for her before she gets to actually writing words.  My son used the SCM copybook readers and loved them, but he was older and able to read the words also.  I am wondering if I it would be best to look for some other copywork for her or if using SCM copybook readers would work even though she can’t use it as a reader yet?  Or should she focus on copying simple sentences that she can read?    Thanks for your advice.  I didn’t start doing CM with my oldest until he was reading so now I am not sure what it looks like for 6 year olds.

    Sonya Shafer

    Grace, I like your idea of having her copy words and simple sentences that she can read and saving the Copybook Readers for when she can read most of those selections.

    1. Thanks Sonya. I am going to start her on Delightful Handwriting. I see that she will write simple words in it and then write sentences later when she will most likely be ready. Is copywork supposed to match reading ability? I thought it was for handwriting practice?
    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, it should match reading level. The main focus is handwriting, but if the child can’t read the words she is writing, it’s just a drawing exercise really.


    Thanks Sonya. That is what I was thinking, but I have seen copywork books for kindergarten that is above average kindergarten reading level, so I was confused. Thanks for clearing this up!

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