Start with volume 1 and work your way through one by one. You *should* be able to get through all three in one school year – one per term if you have your year planned into three terms. But that all depends on how often you schedule copywork into your week and how far your child can get in 5 minutes or so each time. Also, if your child can only focus his attention for, say, 2 minutes of copywork at the beginning, then you will progress slower at the beginning until he has better learned the habits of attention and best effort and you can push it out to 3 minutes, then 4, then 5. In this case, you won’t make it through as many volumes in one year, but that’s perfectly ok. You may only get through the first 2 volumes in 2nd grade, and then you can pick up where you left off and start with volume 3 in 3rd grade, etc.