copywork, dictation

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  • petitemom

    Until which grade do you keep doing copywork and dictation? (wondering for my 8th grader to be)


    And for a second grader what would the schedule look like?

    copywork every day? Do you do dictation or have kids practice to write words on their own (the way they sound)? 

    W/MFW this year we did written narration once a week (1st grade) when he would try to guess how to spell the words.

    Wondering if I should keep doing that? Would that be a CM approach?


    I saw in Children Love To Learn that it suggested dictation 3X/week but it doesn’t say anything about copywork.

    This last school year we’ve be using Spelling Wisdom for dictation and copywork (he would copy the same part we used for dictation). Wondering if I should do that again or just have him study it?


    A great place to start is this post on the SCM blog.  It tells what the goal of each is and what ages generally it is for.  If you peek at this page for a sample schedule SCM shares you can look for each child’s grade to see how often copywork or dictation is there.  Then read this post on a Book of Mottoes with your oldest in mind.


    Hope that helps!


    Very helpful Tristan. No need to add anything.  You are great at pointing people in the right direction.


    Thank you Tristan!

    I really like the idea of the Book of Motto. I got one for my oldest last year and he wrote ONE quote!

    Hopefully he’ll find more he can be inspired by!

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