I’ve been looking through lots of this information and I love the idea of copywork. We aren’t there quite yet, but I am trying to get a handle on this. Since copy work starts in frist grade are you teaching printing letters in kindergarten? Or are you waiting for copywork until after they learn their letters in first grade if they have not already?
Don’t let the idea of grades handcuff you. When your child is ready, you can teach him how to form each letter. It works well to teach those letter formations with large muscles first: drawing in a pan of sand or rice, for example. Wait on the pencil-to-paper that requires fine motor skills until the child is at that developmental stage. Once those fine motor skills are in place, you can review letter formation, on paper this time, and proceed to copying words.
Now, you’ll also want to keep an eye on the child’s progress in reading. Be careful not to march ahead in copywork and get further down the road than he is in reading. Having the child copy words when he doesn’t know how to read is simply an exercise in drawing.
The main thing is to keep an eye on the child and gently help him take the next step when he is ready. Don’t worry about manmade labels like preschool, kindergarten, or first grade.