Just a couple hopefully quick questions! My oldest is 6, and I was wondering how much copywork I should have him do each week. Whatever happens in 10 minutes? Or a couple words a day so by the end of the week a sentence is completed? Or a whole sentence each day? Or whatever he can do without going bonkers? 🙂
The other question was about narration. How often? Once a week is not enough right? Is once a day more like it? He’s done a couple narrations on fables so far, as well as what’s been suggested in 106 Days of Creation.
Sorry, I’m sure the answers are right in front of me!! This site has been such a blessing – as well as this forum. As mentioned above, we are doing 106 Days of Creation this year and are having the best time!
Can he form all his letters well? If not yet, then start there. A row of letters carefully done will be a challenge for many 6yo’s. Once he has forming all the letters down, then you can start with very short copywork phrases. I used to have a list, I’ll see if I can find it. But yes, your goal is nice work done in a certain time period, more than it is getting a sentence “finished” Whatever he can do without being very frustrated is what you want to begin with. Many young boys are pretty easily frustrated when learning writing, it’s a hard fine motor skill for many.
Narration can be done many times a day. I expect at least one per day while learning the skill, moving up to narrating most of what we do during the day. Obviously some things are more “fruitful” for narrating than others; some things can be done in a sentence or two. Again, you are skill-building without driving him “bonkers” so if it is hard work for him, concentrate on a couple of the readings or things you do, then as it becomes more natural for him you can expand.
He’s pretty good at forming his letters, so I think we should be ready for short phrases, etc. I will look into! And we will definitely start doing narration every day! Thanks so much for your help!
I can’t find the source I used, but it began with very brief sayings and scripture verse “pieces” like “Love one another” “Ask and ye shall find” “What would Jesus do?” “Choose the right”
Other short things–a poem, just break up and do one line at a time, pieces of nursery rhymes. Or many of the state mottoes are pretty short. I think those are easily available online.
Michelle D
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