Contempations and Prayer Request

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Contempations and Prayer Request

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  • beccawalker2000

    I’ve realized that because of my own physical struggles and the birth of our youngest child, we have not been able to progress very far in school. My oldest is independent enough that he is doing ok, but my second son has borne the brunt of this situation.

    But I’ve also come to realize that this is ok. It’s why we homeschool. It’s why homeschooling works.

    Now that the Lord has given me some healing and some renewed strength, I am focusing this year on purposeful teaching, on intentional planning, on building a peaceful relationship with my children.

    That last one is going to be hard. Overcoming the wounds of my emotional struggles these past years won’t be easy, but it’s something I know the Lord would have to be my first priority in my children’s education.

    Can I ask for prayer from you ladies as I seek to train and teach my five children, as I figure out how to begin true habit training with them? Honestly, I’m a bit lost on how to do this, but I am reading and praying and asking the Lord to direct me in this area. And I know He will provide wisdom because that what He has promised!

    Anything you might say to encourage me and advise me in this area would be appreciated. I’m soaking in as much wisdom as I can right now in this area of habit training!


    Hi Becca! First I want to say to take it easy on yourself! We moms are usually way too hard on ourselves. Kids are so buoyant. They bounce back quickly.

    You are doing amazing things for your children! You are pouring your energy and heart into them by keeping them with you and teaching them. You are praying for them. You are reading and studying so that you can better bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

    God is faithful. He will answer your prayers and reward your faithfulness.

    I will be praying for your and your family.



    Thank you for your words of encouragement, Melanie. The Lord has been bringing me along in these areas, and I know He will continue to be faithful to provide for my children and for me, as I seek to raise them to know Him and His Word.

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