Right now, we all have the right as homeschoolers not to use Common Core, but some ramifications for us might just include these types of situations:
“If the centralizing process is eventually completed, homeschoolers will be virtually the only ones in the country who do not teach their children the Common Core content. All the groundwork would then be laid for officials to tell our children that they cannot get into college, or get scholarships, or get jobs, or get into the military because they were not taught the Common Core content.
This is what federal control of education would likely mean. This is where Common Core leads us.”
Something to think about, isn’t it? This quote was taken from this HSLDA e-lert from today:
So for my fellow Missourian CMers – we have a chance right now to make a difference:
The Missouri House of Representatives is voting on HB 1490 this week. The bill is intended to pull our state out of Common Core and protect our rights to direct our children’s education and is an important step to ensuring our children’s future – both in Public Schools and Home Schools. Please contact your representative via an email and/or phone call before Friday and urge them to vote YES on HB 1490.