Considerng God's Creation for Older Child

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Considerng God's Creation for Older Child

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  • psreitmom

    I am planning to use Considering God’s Creation with my 6th grade daughter who has a learning disability. It will take us into her 7th grade year. I was going to use God’s Design, which a friend is letting me borrow. But, I think, from an academic standpoint, in my daughter’s case, God’s Design will be sufficient for high school. She is working well below grade level. Has anyone else used CGC with an older child? I think my daughter will enjoy the activities. She needs hands-on more than written work. I haven’t been giving her enough hands-on. I just don’t know if I should add 106 Days of Creation to it, or if it would be more than we need. Are there more outdoor activities in 106 Days, or does CGC have enough of those? My daughter loves the outdoors and exploring. Should I use both to have hands-on activities? This is my last child to homeschool, so I do not want to spend money on something we will not get much use out of.

    Sonya Shafer

    If you’re going to do all of the activities given in the CGC teacher book, you don’t need to add 106 Days also; that would be too much, I think.


    Thanks Sonya. I had decided to just use CGC, but I am glad you solidified my decision.

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