Re: Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler: I wanted to mention something briefly in regards to the repetitious notion: In my nine years experience of teaching preschool age children at church, repetition and routine are not bad. =) Sometimes children who are particularly strong-willed enjoy it. My personal children wanted to do “school” so this serves my purposes.
I have lots of activities and things for preschoolers – and often in the “thick” of my day forget to use them. The lessons plans laid out for the entire year were worth the money to me. I do not print everything – I use some inexpensive preschool workbooks for the letter and number writing practice, and I have things like laceing cards and beads, alphabet activities, etc. so use those instead of printing every single thing. Having the plan laid out reminds me that I have stuff and ensures that we use it and rotate it so it doesn’t get old too fast.
So…that said, check it out with the free links. You can see the sort of things she has in this post.
Agreeing that Five in a Row is great!
And, next year might be better than you are expecting based on this year. The kids will have had school at home before, and they will have more maturity.
Sometimes agression is a sign that they need more stimulation in other areas. They often lack the words to express themselves like they want.
I would really focus on habits during the summer with consequences. That will bless all your lives and not just during school hours.
Thanks guys! Im gonna look into these resources and see if I can get some things going for him. It has not been easy at all but I keep going and hoping for change! I know I will see the fruits of my labor someday soon.
Yeah the aggression part seems to worry me the most. I feel like I have neglected him in so many ways while he is still at an age where he needs alot of guidance. I really need to work on getting him some things to do and look forward too. Praying that next year will be better.
Cayce – I struggle with it sometimes too. My 5 yo gets out of control and gets loud and agressive if I leave her to her own devices or movies all day. Since we started school activities and reading books at random times during the day around my older kids school things, it has really helped to calm that down.
Potty training might also be important now because it could be making him feel like a baby when he knows he’s not – and perhaps he sees it as a hinderance to being big and having time with you like big brother gets. I am not a psychologist or anything – just sort of thinking out loud! 😉 I talked a lot about being a big girl like her big sisters – I know that helped 4 yo b/c she wants so much to be like her big sisters. Once she decided that, she potty trained in about 24 hours. (She was three). It took my 5 yo a bit longer than that though. =) And I think I just started too early with my older ones. lol
It does seem that he is misbehaves when his needs are not being met and he’s left with on his own devices. He gets in lots of trouble that way. I just tested it out this morning and spent some time with him before beginning lessons and he did seem alot calmer and more excepting of us doing our lessons. We were doing ABC mouse for a while and still pay to use there website although I know there is alot of twaddle and it’s not very CM friendly. It was a vain effort to get something going for him but I know he needs more.
Regarding the potty training! He was almost potty trained at 2 1/2 and excited about using the potty then he got really bad constipated after indulging at Granmas house and had a very painful bowel movement. He started witholding and it became a big issue and a constant fight. He started reverting back and only would do a BM in his diaper. I asked the doctor about it and he said to just let the potty training go for awhile until his bowels got going again and he started feeling relaxed about having a BM again. I think alot of it is psychological because my oldest did that for a while too!
Potty training is no fun! Hope that it works out soon…;)
I admit that I use videos to help keep them occupied sometimes while I do school. I am trying to limit it to more educational things like the Leapfrog movies and I still use the other stuff I talked about too. Depends on the day and the moods. LOL
If people are really honest, they will all admit that everybody has days where they feel desperate and allow their children to do things! You are not alone in this by any stretch of the imagination – but I know that this is where habit training comes in so handy.
It does get a bit easier with some habit training. Maybe you could cut back on the educational atmosphere and work on the habits training a little more since you said that it was something you needed. Whatever you do remember: You will survive this period in your life! =) (although you may pick up a few gray hairs, lol)
I like honesty and I tend to be very translucent and honest even if it makes me look bad!LOL! I admit when I need help and guidance. Since we are buckling down to get our 180 days in by June this will leave the summer open for us to relax as a family, for me to focus on the needs of the younger one and to just enjoy life and do a little unschooling learning, potty training, habit training. I really feel we need this break to refocus ourselves! About the grey hairs….I never had a grey hair until after my second child. Within a year the grey hairs started popping up!LOL! Not cool at all. Thank you for your perspective Sheraz….it has really helped me see things in another light. It’s hard now but im sure I will reap the rewards of my hard work. I will survive and get through this.