Considering God's Creation w/out 106 days?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Considering God's Creation w/out 106 days?

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  • Is Considering God’s Creation not “enough” on its own?  I was considering using it with my (will be 6yo), but I only see it recommended (here) with the 106 days of creation.  Would it be ok to do alone? 

    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, absolutely. The 106 Days of Creation is just if you need ideas for combining older and younger children.

    I’m not sure I would recommend CGC for the younger set, though. It seems like it would work best for about grades 3-6.


    I think CGC would be better if you waited until 3-6 too.  Your child will get more out of it if you wait.  I would pick living books about nature.  My 5 year loves the nature books.  

    I was considering getting it and working very slowly through it, like maybe focusing on one lesson during a 2-week period.  pollysoup- what nature books are you referring to?  (I’m SO clueless re: science)


    We are really liking Clara Dillingham Pierson’s books.  Thorton Burgess has some.  The 3 websites I would look at are: , SCM has a book called Outdoor Secrets, and Queen Homeschool has some really nice nature books.  

    I hope this helps.  I can give you specific titles but each of these resources has wonderful books that you really can’t go wrong with.  The Clara Dillingham Pierson books (Among the …)  are our families favorites so far.  My son really enjoyed Thorton Burgess’ Bird book.  Parables from Nature by Margaret S. Gatty is good too.

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