Confused on a few things…Needs clarification warning…long

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Confused on a few things…Needs clarification warning…long

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  • Here are a couple of links which will explain it probably clearer to you than I can!


    It’s like making a scrapbook/project pages.

    Lapbooking (there are some video tutorials on here) has lots of free resources for lapbooking and notebooking.


    The Genesis Through Deutoronomy & Ancient Egypt History/Geography/Bible for module 1 has a sample you can download to put your mind at rest that each day is layed out for you so you’ll know you do the lessons 4 days per week per term and what to do.

    For Geography in CM education I think it’s simply look at the map of Africa (I think the handbook exlains briefly but just google search this for more details) each week then have your child try to label as many countries she can, then compare. Do same thing each week and eventually with this gentle method she’ll know Africa!

    Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education

    has a sample you can download also. I highly recommend this to put your mind at ease on planning. I too felt overwhelmed a month ago, but going thru the 5 step process to plan your year, week, and days has made me feel MUCH better and ready to go next fall!

    I google search Charlotte Mason education and read all kinds of tips on how to narrate, copywork etc. I think once you start teaching also you’ll see what will best work with your child.

    Just start out slow so as not to overwhelm yourselves. I’ve read to start a new school year, just start out the first week with the basics: math, read, write. Then add a subject per week (history ie.) to your schedule so you are not overwhelmed.

    You want to enjoy homeschooling and not get burned out. You won’t get everything done some days and have to fit it in anther part of the day or the next day or skip it. It’s okay. :-)You don’t have to fit everything in 9 mos. You can take 12 mos if you want. You don’t have to have “school” at home. There are so many ways to homeschool as there are homeschooling families so explore what is out there and see what works best for you and your daughter so you enjoy learning together and not get stressed.


    ETA I like for Charlotte Mason tips. 😉


    The Book of Centuries is not that much ink at all – there is just a tiny bit on each page. And even if you buy good quality paper at $5 or $6 a ream your only using about $2 worth.

    I printed mine on cardstock, but it’s too fat now to bind with my comb binder. So I’ll have to take it to Kinko’s and have them do it.

    You guys have been so helpful!!! THank you sooooooo much!!!

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