My daughter who is 7 (2nd grade public school) is reading very well so when we finish out this school year I plan to start home schooling with this CM method. I just don’t know where to start with reading. She is reading The Chronicles Of Narnia for enjoyment. But as far as knowing her reading level and what books to have her work on for reading is confusing to me.
Then there is Narration… Do I have her read out loud every now and then? Or how does Narration work?
For Copy work, how do you know which Poems, Hymn lyrics, and Scripture verses to have them copy?
We are using Math U See Beta for obviously math
For spelling we are using words of the week Vol 1
And we plan to use English for the thoughtful child vol 1 and vol 2 for grammar
Now for history, geography, and bible section does everyone start with module 1? Or how do those sections work? Since my daughter is 7, I’m not sure how to go about it for younger kids.
And then there is scripture memory…totally lost here…How do you know what to do , how to introduce it and when…and how to make it relevant? Can you tell i’m not creative? grrr
For Science we are using the 106 days of creation study and suggested nature components. Unless of coarse anyone has additional suggestions here.
For Poetry I think we are just going to go down the list suggested in the curriculum guide starting with Stevenson
I have some materials for picture sutdy, but I’m not really sure what to do with them…And there are a TON for each module. How do you pick which ones to do?
ANd how do the music modules work? You pick a composer and find a resource and go with it or do you have to try to use all those resources?
We are gonna use rummy roots for language
And for personal dev we are using the CM suggestions to get started.
Anyone have tips for me or answers to my question?
Last thing…how the heck do you fit all the different subject matter in here?
Since your daughter has been going to public school, what I would do to start, is just do a few things for the first month or so, inorder to ease into it in an enjoyable manner- like Read aloud to her, have her read some good books independantly that she will enjoy, have her do math, some copywork, get outside for a nature walk and most importantly focus on deepening your relationship with her by lots of fellowship and the simple enjoyment of being together – take a bike ride, bake a cake, paint together, etc..
I would suggest getting Sonyas “Planning Your CM Education” – this will help with planning out your year and deciding which subjects to do which days because you do not have to do every subject every day nor will you want to because that might give you and your dd burnout. 🙂
A recommendation for Scripture Memory is to look at SCM page here
I’m back to sneak another minute in. 😉 I forgot to mention something very important; One of the greatest things you can do to get started, is to listen to “Reaching Your Childs Heart” by Sonya. You will be SO blessed by this! As usual, I wish I would have heard it when I first began to homeschool.
I’m just getting started with this curriculum as well. I definitely agree with Heather about Planning Your CM Education. I purchased the ebook and printed it and I’m in the middle of it now. It is *very* helpful and I know it’s a resource I’ll turn to each year.
Also ditto the Scripture Memory link – we are doing that too and I am amazed at how effective it is. I set mine up a little different, instead of using a box I bought an index card binder and I created a template in Word that I copy and paste verses from eSword in, print it out and cut the 3 x 5″ sections apart and hole punch – you can see pics of how I did it here on my blog.
I think if your dd is reading Narnia she could read pretty much anything. 🙂 Have you looked at the literature modules? My oldest is 11 and the only one of my children who reads fluently so far. She had read many of the books listed already. I saw that for each year there are about 6 literature books so I just chose 6 that she hasn’t read to schedule for this year.
Narration is “telling back” what she remembers from a single reading. Have you read this link on the Art of Narrating?
Have you heard of I LOVE that place. Here is a link to the copywork resources they have. If you scroll down there are some copywork notebooks with scriptures for about $2 each – I’ve downloaded about 3 of these and they are very nice. You might want to purchase a few copywork books (maybe from Queen Homeschool, although I’ve not been pleased with the quality of their products) and over time you will feel confident to choose your own copywork selections.
I started with Module 1 because I just wanted to go from the beginning of the bible, and I figured this would get my oldest daughter through one full 6 year rotation. The only history I had done was year 1 of Ambleside Online which focused on British history, and that was only with my oldest daughter.
Music/Picture Study:
For music and picture study here is what I’m doing. You will cover one musician and one artist for 6 weeks, then choose another. I decided to start with Bach and Audubon and requested material from my library. I got a cd and biography for Bach, and a few books with pictures on Audubon. I plan to read about Bach one day a week, and Audubon one day a week, and let the girls study the pictures in the book.
As for getting started, here is a great link on the main SCM website on transitioning into the CM approach:
Start slow and don’t feel like you have to jump in and do everything.
Since finding SCM I’ve been focusing on scripture memorization, poetry, math, teaching reading, copywork, and using Spelling Wisdom with my oldest. I’ve thrown in Nature study here and there with a nature read-aloud book.
Now that I’ve collected most of the materials I need to get started I’m using the Planning Your CM Education book to figure out how to add in the rest.
Oh, have you read Education Is… that is available free on the main site? I’m reading it now and it’s fabulous! Here is a link:
I second Heather’s recommendations. If you try to ‘recreate’ school at home,you’ll burn out in no time.
Read aloud a good lit book, start her on narrating by doing only one paragraph at a time if she’s never done it before. After you read the paragraph, ask her “What did I just read?” or “What was that about?” or something along those lines.
Copy work-I use a G-dly-based, Presidential Penmanship copywork program, so they can memorize important quotes from Presidents thru the years that encourage Faith and Freedom.
YOu could use the same poem, same Scripture memery verse, etc… that you’re already using. She’ll be learning grammer and english within that copywork.
Of course, make sure the poem’s not too long for her little hands. And remember, she’s going to writing in the English…Child and maybe(?)Rummy Roots, so keep that in mind or she’ll end up hating it.
An independant read either in Literature, or history or even nature on their respective days. YOu can start the narrating of independant reads later. I use some independant reads for narrating and others not.
Scripture memory and Bible Study
Then have your Creation drawing book, some nature guides handy and head outside to observe the burgeoning Spring!
Start watching the birds in the morning. If you don’t have a good set up for birds and butterflies, maybe head to the store and get seeds and plan a Bird/Butterfly garden with a bird bath! Have her keep track of what birds come, formally or just in conversation. We’ve noticed we have a woodpecker that starts peckin’ every moring just before 7 am.
Take your tree guide and discover what kind of trees you have on your yard. Maybe add in a Nature Living book and make trips to the library for nature books.
106 Days of Creation is good, but considering what time of year we’re in, you may want to reconsider timing that for at the ending of Fall and into Winter when there’s not as much to explore and learn about in the Spring, Summer and Fall; from plants to bugs.
Remember the 10-20 minute time limit on subjects(I go over that when we’re outside, having Nature Study drawing or doing a read aloud ).
After you get into a little of a groove, remember to go easy on the grammer at this age.
And remember not every subject everyday.
Provide books for her to look at to create projects in her free time, if she’s a science hands-on sort of person.
I decide on the Scripture memory based on our Spiritual needs; what are the problem areas in our home that we need “this” particular piece of G-d’s Word in our Heart? Others are more systematic.
With picture and music study, I’d recommend just playing Classical music in the background for now, creating an atmosphere mentioning who it is. If you pick beethoven, play it and ask her what she thinks. don’t ask her”Isn’t this beautiful?” (same for picture study), you want her observations. There’s also a website called
it has good stuff on it; you could change the composer monthly along with it.
The cd’s by the same name are great.
Hang or prop up some works of art on the wall (or buy a calendar) and occasionally ya’ll look at it together and ask her what she sees. Change the painting periodically.
Both of these can be very informal, she won’t even know she’s developing an “eye” for beauty; and as we all know public school destroys this “eye” so it’s part of the basics for rebuilding it.
You can start the read alouds and art and music study’s in the summer, too.
I’d recommend, in addition to Heather’s, “The Charlotte Mason Companion” by K. Andreola highly. That book is so inspiring. it should be found at your library.
I don’t use the modules, so I’m no help in that area.
In Charlotte Mason method there are 3 terms with 12 weeks per term. So for the music and picture study for example, there are 6 composers or artists. Focus on 2 composers for each term. For picture study you’ll study a new picture each week for that one artist. Listen to the composers music for 6 weeks then move on to next composer. You can pick one composer or artist to study more closely that term by reading the history of that artist or composer and his/her life and artwork/music. Make sense?
So the books listed in the resources are just suggestions. You can just pick one to read from for one artist or none at all.
My oldest daughter is starting year 1 in the fall so we are starting with module 1 for history/geo/bible. They are in chronological order starting with Ancient Egypt so I would suggest starting with module 1. It’s best to study history in chronological order.
This is new for me too, but I would suggest you simply pick a poem or scripture or hymn that you want your daughter to memorize (you pick one poem every once in awhile to recite) to do for copywork.
For scripture memorization I just simply tell my daughters this is our scripture verse and read it several times per day and they join in when they can and finally recite when they have it memorized then we move on to the next one.
The Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education Planner is excellent for planning out what you’ll do for your year, week, and days. I highly recommend you buy it and it’ll explain clearly how to fit everything in.
Gosh soooooo much planning to do! Seriously talk about overwhelming. I’m trying the CM organizer free trial. But I haven;t officially started homeschooling since my daughter is still in public school. I’m kinda just feeling it out. But at least it gives me time to get organized and get a feel for everything.
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Thanks you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m still overwhelmed. The products I’d like to use and everything I want to do seems to just add up and we are VERY financially strapped. Not to mention I’m a total control freak and a bit anal and have to have a plan and have to have organization.
Thank you Sonya, I was starting to think I’d entered the Twilight Zone or something! LOL 😀
Kelsy, I know it can seem overwhelming but you have plenty of time to get organized. And one thing to remember is that you don’t need all the resources right at the beginning. Many of the books listed for modules you won’t need until the 2nd or even 3rd term, this will help stretch the cost out.
OK here is what I’ve got so far. Please tell me if you think its too much or too confusing. Keeping in mind my daughter is finishing up 2nd grade in public school…And sorry for sounding like a confused, manic, crazy person. I’m a major planner/control freak. So I have to figure everything out right away till its done…Kinda lame! My biggest confusion comes with History/Geography. I feel like in those areas I need someone to baby-step me through it till I get going…
Oh and how do I know how much to teach in one lesson? Like the modules and all that? I’m terrible with this stuff. If anyone has a child in the same age group or level as I do please feel free to tell me your sample schedule 🙂 And what you are using.
Math U See Beta with manipulatives complete set. (M/W/F)
I think this is pretty self explanatory on how to teach and study.
English for the thoughtful child (T/Th)
Haven’t received this book yet so I have no idea what it is or how to work with it.
Spelling: (This is one subject I’m anal on and tend to put a lot of focus on)
Words of the Week Vol. 1 (T/Th)
Uses picture study and gives 1 word each week to read and understand
Learning to Spell Through Copywork – Book A (M/W/F)
Module 1 (M/W/F)
I have no idea what to do with history other than Narration. All I know is I have ordered the books. Other than reading them, what do they do? Are there activities in the books or anything like that? I’m just not too creative… If someone could give me an idea on how to do history or help it sink in once read, I’d really appreciate it. What about the book of centuries? That’s a lot of paper and ink!!! 🙂
Module 1 (T/TH)
Again I have ordered the curriculum recommended materials, but no idea how to implement them. AND I’m terrible with Geography. As far as Module 1 goes, what other supplies for teaching would be best? Maps? Which ones? Can you tell creativity is not my strong suit?
Bible/Scripture Memory:
Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt
Genesis-Deuteronomy and Verse Pack 1 (S/M/T/W/TH/F/S)
History – We read through the books a chapter at a time and then I get the children to narrate to me (which I may merely do by asking questions about what I’ve read) The children quite often will do a lapbook or notebooking page on the theme we are studying often give these awy as their freebie of the week (they also sell inexpensive ones). have an extensive selection of lapbooks they also have a semi annual freebie which you could download to get an idea of how lapbooks work. have an extensive range of notebooking pages and again some free samples. Notebooking is kind of like putting a project together.
Geography – we do similar things to history – narrating, we might notebook. I have a laminated map which we use non-permanent marker pens on and the kids find the country/place we are looking at and mark it on the map. Also we do a few experiments (I use A Child’s Geography by Ann Voskamp), for example we did an experiment today to find out how sea water evaporates and is then rained back down fresh.
Take it slow, once you’ve got your books go through them, make a plan and see how it goes. Once you’ve started homeschooling you are bound to make adjustments to things as you get used to it.
Thank you for all those tips! Could you further explain notebooking and lapbooks are? I’ve never even heard of that or seen it suggested. But again, I’m new.