Confuse on the lesson parts.

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  • Apolonia

    I saw a sample of 3rd grade first lesson plans. After I purchase Charlotte Mason curriculum, do I need to purchase additional curriculum for Math, and so forth?

    Sonya Shafer

    The daily plans are like daily itineraries, listing what resources to use and how to use them each day. So you will see a Resources Needed list at the beginning of the lesson plan book, listing what resources are recommended to follow those itineraries. For math, as you saw, we encourage you to use whichever curriculum best fits your child. Then the daily plans simply remind you to include it along with the other assignments listed for that day.


    I have a 1st,  2nd,  and 3rd grader what curriculum do I buy for them?


    Have you gone through the Free Curriculum Guide? It will walk you through what you need from…

    Family Studies – history, science, poetry, music, hymn, nature study…

    Individual studies – math and language arts


    OK,  let me see if I can find it. Sorry I am pregnant with number 7, and due in 6 weeks.

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