So, I seem to have a virus that is redirecting me to other sites when I click on google search links. Does anyone have a computer savvy kid/hubby/self that could help me troubleshoot? I have more details about how/when I’m redirected – I’ve tried messing with add-ons, no luck.
Do you have antivirus software? What kind? Have you run a scan? And do you have malware protective software? If so, is it updated and have you run a scan?
Thanks for your help ladies – blessedmom, I tried all those links – to no avail though… I ended up calling a computer guy… was on the phone with him for 15 minutes and am DREADING getting the invoice, so I’m spreading the wealth of that 15 minutes. a FREE program to detect malware called Malwarebytes – he said it can be difficult to get installed on your computer as some viruses won’t let you get access to it, but I was able to get it and it took care of my problem. He said he uses it all the time for clients and it’s the best they’ve found. He also suggested I download the AVG free edition of spyware and virus protection after the malwarebytes cleaned up my computer, so I’ve done that too. Hope that’s helpful to others!
We use malwarebytes as well. A tip–keep it updated and run it regularly. Um, I forgot to do this, and had another issue recently. Gone are the days when simple antivirus software will take care of you . . . sigh. We also use AVG.
Is there a website for this malwarebytes? And AVG? I don’t have any protection right now and didn’t really know there was items available that were free. Thanks
Here’s the links I used because I trust cnet to take me to the right download – if you just do a general search I’m always afraid of going to a “fake” site.
My hubby is a computer techie guy. 🙂 We use the free Avast anti-virus software and have NO problems with malware, either, even without anything else. But I am going to mention Malwarebytes to him. I’m sure he’s heard of it… LOL
Gone are the days when simple antivirus software will take care of you . . . sigh.
Well, unless you have a Mac. Then you don’t need any. 🙂
But if you’re running Windows with no antivirus then you’re playing with fire. It’s just a matter of time if you haven’t already been infected with spam sending or information stealing junk.
I’ve been recommending Microsoft’s free Security Essentials lately. ( ) It does a good job, is updated regularly, and doesn’t slow down your computer as much as something like Norton or MacAfee. In fact, I recently helped some friends and family members remove some of that big name antivirus software and install Security Essentials. They said the additional speed gave their old computer a whole new life.
Oh, and if you’re using Internet Explorer as your primary Web browser software switch to something else. Just that simple change will increase your security significantly. I recommend like Google Chrome ( ) or Firefox ( ). Either one is way more secure, faster, and more compatible with Web standards.
Checked with my husband, and he said that Avast is the best free anti-virus out there – it includes live protection plus protects a wider of variety of things including email. Here’s a link he gave me for comparing anti-virus software:
Oh, and we both 2nd using Firefox. It definitely is one of the best out there, way better than IE. Haven’t tried Google Chrome myself yet, but I’m sure my dh has, and that’s why I haven’t.
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