Composer Study suggestions please

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Composer Study suggestions please

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  • Debbie


    I am just starting to use SCM curriculum and I am trying to decide which composer to study first.  My kids are 7 and 3 and I was wondering if anyone could tell me which composers your family has enjoyed the most.  Thank You!


    Camille Saint Saeans – Carnival of the Animals.

    John Phillip Sousa

    Josef Haydn – Clock Symphony  and Farewell Symphony

    I like them all!!!


    My kids are 8,5,1,and 0. We are going through the book Story of the Orchestra this year and have never enjoyed our music appreciation more. I wish I had done it dd8’s first term of first grade, before starting regular composer study, but in reality, I’m pretty sure we’ll revisit this for the two youngest in a couple years. The book intros composers, the different instruments, and the orchestra as a whole in such an enjoyable way. I highly recomend anyone new to composer studies, or anyone stuck in a rut, to give it a try.


    Thank you both so much.  The Story of the Orchestra book looks like something that would really spark my children’s interests’ in this area.  Thank you!!!!

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