composer study, amazing find!

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    We went to the library this week and found an audio book called, Beethoven Lives Upstairs. WE LOVED IT! My 8 year old has played piano for 2 years so he really loved it. Great for children of all ages. We will be studying Beethoven for the rest of the year. Does anyone have any video or other audio book suggestions>


    There is a picture book of this story, too. We listened to the audio before getting the book and my son was very excited when the actual book arrived. (I found it used on Amazon.)

    You might also enjoy some of the Classics for Kids episodes. They are each 7 minutes long and have some narration and some music.


    This is part of a series, you can see the others here –

    Your library may have these, too. They are all great!


    We have that CD and enjoy it, too!

    We are planning to get from the library the audiobook of: Mozart Finds a Melody. We heard it advertise at the end of another audiobook.

    For Rossini, we watched our first opera of his version of Cinderella (title was something like La Cinterola). Songs were in Italian but had English subtitles. Surprisingly, the kids enjoyed it very much. We got the dvd from Netflix. This one was 2 hours and 24 minutes, so we watched it over several sittings. Also, our library had a VHS tape called Rossini’s Visitor.


    I used to have about 6 CD’s from this series and loved them!  Unfortunately, someone stole a CD case from our car a few years ago….. sigh.


    On the Classical Kids site what is available for purchase??  Their site has me confusedEmbarassed.  Or I’m tired.


    Try this link instead –

    The above was for a live Performance. I did a quick search and didn’t look to see that I hadn’t linked to the CDs



    Thanks Christie.

    I did check amazon last night and found those but didn’t have the energy to repostLaughing.  We have been listening to classical and/or children’s praise music in the morning while getting ready for the day and it has been a great blessing to us. 

    Thanks again.


    The whole series is great!  I ordered them for my students when I taught music.  Thankfully our library carries them, but I may seriously purchase the DVDs.

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