Completely behind in history; what would you do?

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  • my3boys

    We are currently using SCM’s mod 2 and are grossly behind on everything except the individual books, we’ll finish those by the end of May or before, no problem.  I don’t know how we got so far behind but I’m guessing it is our schedule, co-op day, and the fact that my oldest just didn’t seem to fit into our family read alouds this past year.  He has grown so much and needed to be more independent.  I tried passing some things off on to him, like Bible, but he’s not a super strong reader, just very independent, if that makes any sense. 

    Would you just jump back in and finish when you finish your “school year”?

    Drop a portion of the study in favor of finishing at least a part of it??  Like, finish the Visits to..but maybe not the spine, which is Story of the Greeks??

    Maybe give the Story of…to my oldest and 5th grader (my youngest can read it later) and do the Geo together as a family?? 

    I just don’t know what to do.  Our family dynamic is changing or has been changing for quite some time and it feels as if history read alouds are just not fitting in.  We can manage a one day a week for Family subjects and attempt a history spine but that would mean it’s only read once a week. We have so much to get caught up on that it would never be finished by the middle of May. 

    My dc are not really Free Reading type kids so that is not an option.  We’ve tried year-round schooling for two years and that is just not for us, either.  I actually prefer a traditional school year, except for history at this point. 

    What would you do? 

    BTW, I don’t think spines are for us and I need to really consider what we would realistically do together as a family this coming year.  My dc are changing so much and I need to consider what they would really like to do independently (and I mean REALLY like and would do!) and what they would like to cont. as a family.

    My dc are 9th grade, 5th, and 2nd.  Thank you in advanceLaughing


    I’m going to admit something here, but no tomatoes please! We became severely behind also on History.  The reading was good for us in the module, but it was the visits to and other stuff which we struggled with getting in.  I decided to chunk the extra stuff by skipping over those lessons and only do the lessons which involved the Story of… and individual books. 

    Maybe you can assign the reading to your older ones like you mentioned above and have them narrate to the younger as a way of teaching!  You could do the other stuff together if you want to, but I wouldn’t fret.  

    Hope this helps! 


    I would just finish the Story of the Greeks and drop the geography. I really enjoy the Visits to… portion, but it can take longer to get done then reading the very short chapters in the SotG…you can easily read two of those in a day. Your children should be able to easily read those chapters independently as well, if assigned.

    If you can’t manage that, but still want to have some Greek history, then use the free librivox version of Famous Men of Greece. It will at least introduce you all to some of the more important movers and shakers in the Greek world. 

    I have a list of the audio books from librivox that match the Yesterday’c Classics Ancient Greece collection. Perhaps you might find one in there that you really could listen to:

    I know that I have found a lot of YouTube videos about the various aspects of Ancient Greece. You could watch some of those and see if you have some videos available from the library. We enjoy them.


    We like to use audio books too!  Beyond that I just want to remind you that you are NOT behind.  You are where you are.  There is nothing that says you must finish the entire book/course as laid out for you by SCM.  It’s okay to get as far as you can and then move on next year, even skipping ahead if you wish.  You are the boss of the curriculum.  ((HUGS))



    My3boys, I think we are often going through similar things:) I’m doing Module 2 with my 5th and 8th grader. We’ve come to a point where my 8th grader really needs to be more independent of her younger brother. He’s 3 yrs younger and more academi and curious, which I think can be demoralizing when he’s remembering more/making more connections than her during together time.

    Though I’ve loved intertwining Bible with history, it’s hard for us to keep all that up so they are now reading their own history spine and readers, and I have them doing something separate for Bible (they alternate between a devotional book and reading a book of the Bible). And hubby often does devotional at dinner.

    My youngest us still doings Visits…once a week. Mainly mapping which doesn’t take long at all. My oldest is doing some online mapping. I don’t know if that helps any:) I hope you find a good fit for your family…it’s truly up to you:) Blessings, Gina


    Thank you for your encouragement and ideas! I can’t say much now, on my phone, but I didn’t want you all to think I was ignoring your comments.

    @gina, yes, we do seem to be in the same boat at the same time, huh? Don’t know if that’s good or bad. At least we can relate

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