We no longer have home internet. I’ve been able to check in here occasionally by way of visiting moms house or our local library. With that said, I’m unable to access CM organizer on a daily basis. I was wondering if anyone’s found any software in comparison to the CM organizer? Also, any chance that CM organizer will be offered in software format for those of us without home internet??? That would be a dream come true! 🙂 Blessings, Heather
It makes me sad now when I see your csmamma knowing that you are sitting at the library and not able to really spend time responding in your sweet way!! Not that you aren’t sweet now.
Maybe Doug can work something out to get the planner in a software format..even though that won’t help me miss you any less!!
We are starting the book Tirzah as a read aloud next week (hopefully)..thanks again for sending it to me.
We do miss you, Heather! I’m not aware of any software that works like the CM Organizer. And at this point we don’t have any plans to switch to a software format, mainly because some of the features that we think are vital wouldn’t be possible in a software (at least as far as I know).
For example, one of the features that we’re hoping to get up and running soon is the ability for everyone to add resources to the Bookfinder so everybody can use them. It would be nearly impossible to keep software up to date with newly added resources every week.
We are reading Tirzah too! I just finished pre-reading Henty’s Cat of Bubastes which my son has started narrating through too. It goes very well with Tirzah in case anyone has older boys that need an extra challenge.
Caroline, that is great. I was planning on reading Cat of Bubastes afterward..if we have enough time…maybe I will let my son read it alone. BUT I think it will be to much of a challenge. I haven’t looked through it yet.
You are all so sweet, and I miss you too. I miss being able to have time to “just chat” and also to respond to other posts.
I forgot about the bookfinder scheduling tool and realize just how that feature would be impossible with software alone. I’ll just continue to wait patiently for home internet again. Thanks so much!
As far as Cat of Bubastes goes, it was a bit much for my ds to read. So we opted for Jim Weiss’ retelling in audio format. My ds enjoyed it and blessed me with beautiful narrations.
Hugs! Heather
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