Common Core and what you can do

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  • faithmom

    This is simply information for you to be aware of what is going on. It is not meant to make anyone panic about Common Core. God is in control and Jesus is still on the throne! You can make your voice heard by kindly contacting your state reps. This is more information than most of us need. Don’t feel like you have to go to all of them. This is for any educator…public, private, home school. Pass this on to your friends and family. (I realize this might get pulled from the forum since I’m posting links to websites.) Please read and then watch the video links. If you want to contact your government leaders, please do so. ( Governor and state legislators) (what citizens can do) … -tennessee (petition to sign) (you can order a dvd of the youtube video here and read more) … m-the-top/

    Facebook has Common Core Inside The Truth

    Sept 20th there was a Tennessee senate hearing in Nashville for Common Core. Around noon, Joy Pullman spoke (spelling?) and it was really good. I don’t know where to find recording. It was 8 hours.

    other things related to common core due to data collecting agenda as mentioned in youtube video: (iris scans in FL without parent’s permission) This is going on in colleges and workplaces too.

    Surveys taken last year asking students how many computers and T.V. they have and who lives in their home. Data Collecting surveys of all types.




    I am in LA but great news that FL’s governor has pulled out of common core. Smart state! Hope our governor starts to listen…not going very well right now but we will keep fighting. 🙂


    Our state has opted out but the state replacements may not be any better.

    Sara B.

    I’ll add a great link to your awesome list.  For checking out curricula and their stance on CC, whether you want aligned materials, independent, or anything in between, check out the database at Very awesome website she has, and the FB page is just as awesome.  🙂


    Could anyone direct me to a specific link that shows what actually changed in the scope/sequence?  My husband and I are trying to see what actually changed and compare side by side what was education to what it’s trying to change into.  For example, we have our reasons for not liking common core but we want to understand it from a teaching perspective and what was changed.  Does that make sense?  Thanks.

    Rachel White

    hiddenjewel, are you in Texas? It’s true, your state opted out, but the replacement is almost as bad. My state is trying to pull out. Our Gov. isn’t fully convinced yet, though he has signed Executive orders to pull us from the data gathering that’s beyond what has already been being gathered and one other thing, I can’t remember right now.

    So, just like when throughout history (curretn, too) when despots are pulled from power, what usually takes their place is just as bad or worse; we need to keep vigilant. If you can get CC out of your state, watch out, as those who want to control the education from top-down, won’t give up; they’ll just call it something else.


    This is about an hour long talk by Joy Pullman that I thought was very informative:

    Thanks for the info.



    Don’t really know how I missed this (maybe because I live in TX?) but I hadn’t heard of common core until just right now. So obviously I haven’t read much about it other than a quick preliminary google search. But as a former public and private school teacher, I am well aware the school system is sinking deeper and deeper into a hole and there sadly and honestly is no way out – that’s one reason why I am choosing to homeschool our children. But I have a question about Common Core for you all that are more informed about it than I am – why does it matter to us homeschoolers? I imagine it probably doesn’t with me living in TX (other than yet another thing in our daily lives being nationalized), but suppose I had to move to another state? What does this mean for homeschoolers? Thank you, and I hope this isn’t a stupid question!

    susie in ms

    why does it matter to us homeschoolers?



    From what limited info I have seen on it…mostly samples from the books: all sinful activity is promoted as good and this includes gloryfying r*pe, etc. The child is taught to look at parents as naggers instead of leaders. Christianity is totally removed.A child is taught to manipulate for selfish gain.

    This, in my opinion, will hasten the downward spiral of our nations spiritual health. I don’t want my kids living next door to someone taught that r*pe is a good thing. I want my grandkids to have a half a chance in finding a Godly spouse. I think dominos when it comes to things like this. We will all be effected by it.

    If a child is taught that 2+2 can equal 39 I really don’t want him building my house or filling your drug perscription.

    Your question was not stupid! I’m glad you asked. People need to know.

    susie in ms

    Another view of this is the fear that colleges will start requireing CCC as a prerequisite for entrance consideration. If that happens our freedom as hsers able to choose what is best for our children go right out the window.

    Rachel White

    It’s not a stupid question. One of the major contributors to CC development is David Coleman, the President of the College Board. The SAT is being (or been by now?) rewritten to test based on CC standards:

    As president of the College Board, a national education company, he is redesigning the SAT, the standardized test taken by many high school seniors as a part of the college application process. He is also expanding the Advanced Placement program, which offers college-level classes and tests for high school students.

    He is perhaps best known as the architect of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, (from The HuffPost)

    ACT being changed in accordance, too:

    Concerning HSlers:

    From HSLDA:

    I do believe that there IS a way out for the gov’t. school system, but it won’t be embraced due to the overwhelming influence of unions and progressive theories and ideologies that have been at work since the late 1800’s; promoting an ever-expanding centralized system for everything in this country.

    There would have to be a revolution at the ballot box, which requires a revolution in the morals, the thought processes and the education of the citizenry. It’s possible, but slim; but that being the case, we must still not give up. It’s going to require a consistent state-by-state challenge to centralized authorities.


    I’m going to be the voice asking for balance on this controversy … These are obviously my opinions and mine only.  However, my husband has and does work in public education.  This gives me insight in to the real applications of these issues, as well as some history on it.  I am no expert on public education of course, but I try to read a lot about it and I do have the benefit of great discussions with my hubby on the subject. 

    I just think this debate needs balance.  If we don’t understand public education laws and programs before Common Core how can we truly understand the affects of Common Core?  I always like to try to read things for myself before making up my mind.  I’m not likely to listen to a political party or activist groups before I know something of the topic myself.  I learned a lot here at the Federal Government site and maybe you’d like to understand their role too?  Look around on there too … there were lots of links everywhere!

    I put in a search on their site for “common core” and got this list I linked to below.  I didn’t have a chance to read them yet, but I look forward to it.

    I followed one link in the OP – – I looked at some of the material and the sample problems that they showed.  The site showing them could not even state, without reservation, that they were truly from a Common Core text book.  So, why did they represent them as if they were?  That seems weird.  Here are links to the actual standards … read them yourself and see what you think.  Don’t rely on someone else to say “here is an example problem from common core” because it might not be right.  If you read them and dislike them then at least you know your decision was based in real facts.

    @ susie in ms – could you please point to specifically where you found these things you mention in your post?  I would like to see that for myself.  It seems so outrageous.  Why would issues of sexual crimes be in an educational standard of any kind?  I’m intrigued. 

    susie in ms

    I guess anything found in cyber land can be a lie. Altough I’m not sure why this person would pose to be a veteran teacher and make the claims she has. I guess one would have to have the very book in front of them to determine if this is truth or not. Anyway after this teacher post her words she provides a link, with quotes from the literature in question, at the bottom of her article.



    Not about the same discust that the above article is, but his is still concerning CCC at the Ron Paul site. I think most of us would believe what he has to say:


    susie in ms

    Oh goodness! That is the wrong link–though still very disturbing. It seems that all of my links on CCC I placed on FB have been deleated by the ptb. I had a hard time finding the above, but I will continue to look for the other you are asking about.

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