Common Core-aligned curriculum

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  • Sue

    I ran across a link to a site that has a chart showing companies whose curriculum is explicitly aligned with Common Core Standards. I thought I’d post it for informational purposes, and you can do your own research and thinking about what this might mean for your family.

    Above the chart, the website states: “These companies – listed in alphabetical order in the attached document – have indicated that they have chosen to explicitly align their  materials with the CCS. Some have made relatively small changes, and others have completely overhauled their products (or were even initially created based on the CCS). However, in all cases, they have made explicitly chosen to accommodate the CCS and clearly advertise their alignment.”

    Here’s the link:



    Rachel White

    Thank you, Sue. I had this before and the lost it; not having a chance to really peruse it before my computer went on the fritz. It’s very important we are armed with the info. we need to make the best decisions we can whether for or against (and you already know where I stand).

    Thanks again.


    Hmmm…I was still using ETC.  Will have to re-think that one.

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