Comments on booklist for ds6 next year

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  • yen

    Hi, ladies,

    I know it’s a little early to be planning for my ds school year NEXT year, it’s just that we’re using a boxed curriculum this year and thought to start the more CM approach next year. Living in the Philippines, I also thought I had I get an early start collecting the books since we don’t have a good library system and even bookstores do not always carry the books highly recommended in SCM. That is, before I resort to ordering from Christian Book Discounters or SCM 🙂

    At the moment we have the following books, and wondered if they would work well as read alouds for ds who will be 6 next year but for whom English isn’t a first language. (Background, we have the Burgess stories as part of his read alouds this year and he’s actually still having a bit of trouble following it, but we’re only into our second book.)

    So for next year:

    1. Stormy, Misty’s foal by Marguerite Henry

    2. Stuart little by EB White

    3. Heidi

    4. Alice in wonderland

    5. Lightfoot the deer by Thornton burgess

    6. Planning to get one of the trailblazer missionary story books

    Does anyone have any experience with the above books? I realize charlotte’s web is one of the books by EB White that is most recommended for grade 1, but would anyone know if Stuart little works too?

    Thank you very much for all your help! 🙂


    Look like great choices to me! I think Stuart Little would be fine at 6yo. However, my personal preference is to wait a little on Alice in Wonderland, but your milage may vary.

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