Combining SCM with MFW- History

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    We are planning on completing 2 years in 1 (History) by moving from strictly SCM to MFW (Rome to the Reformation) for 3rd grade with our twins. However, the price for the MFW Teacher’s Manual seems a bit ridiculous. Since we are planning to use Christian Liberty Press + their Nature Readers for Sciece and also follow the flow of SCM for Bible– in other words, NOT MFW recommendations, I’m thinking I really don’t need to get MFW’s teacher manual to tell me “how” to use the selected items I would buy from them. So, basically, I am just curious to know if anyone has done MFW WITHOUT that teacher manual, and if not, do you think the manual is a real advantage or could it be skipped?

    (FYI, we plan to do the 2 Modern Times cycles using all of SCM’s requirements. We have really enjoyed how thorough SCM’s approach is. It’s just that we are planning on sending our twins to public school in 6th grade and I REALLY want to have them go through Modern Times/ Present  before their transition). Any input will be greately appreciated.


    I’m in a similar situation. I decided I wanted my son(6th) to finish the history cycle by 8th because he’ll likely use MFW for high school which starts with ancients freshman year. Or go to the Christian high school his sister attends. I would have loved to do SCM as written, but since I have 3 years, not 4, for Rome-modern I nearly bought MFW Rome- Reformation. However, after viewing my friends MFW guide I decided against it. It looked wonderful, but I tend to cringe at those box-checking weekly spreadsheets:) We do well with simply reading and narrating. So I just bought the SCM Rome book selections and Geography guide, and The Stuff They Left Behind portfolio.

    I put together my own Bible. My son is reading Romans on some of his devotional days, once a week he’s reading How the Bible Came to Us(MFW suggestion). We’re memorizng the Roman Road to Salvation verses. We’ll memorize the books of the NT(another MFW suggestion). We also read the first 7 ch of Trial and Triunph(those heroes of the faith coincide with time period).

    We’ll do MA/Ren/Ref similarly. I hope to do SCM for 2 years of American as written. Just what’s working here:) I did really like the Bible background info the MFW guide provided. But just couldn’t justify the price. Hope that helps some:) Blessings, Gina


    I should note that my son enjoys history and reading and since older he reads it every day. Otherwise we’d need to cut back on SCM books since they take a full year for Rome. But you could just do as you mentioned and buy the MFW selections.


    Thanks for your detailed comment. I think I may use “some” of the MFW materials along with the History book/ student sheets to follow their chronology in completing 2 yrs in 1 as compared to SCM (I like the Biographies of Missionaries/ Read-Alouds/ Reading Basket options in their catalog), but I will follow the Geography and Bible suggestions from SCM. I personally  have been learning so much geography with the “Visits To” books these two years, I want it to continue!  I also love the professionalism of the pictures in “The Stuff they Left Behind” portfolios, I couldn’t justify going all-out with MFW for Geography without actually having “seen” their products in this area.

    Thank you for sharing how “someone else” is also doing detailed planning for their home-schooling even when there’s the “all done for you plan(s)” available out there. It seems detatched (to me) when it’s just a DVD or “on-line” learning experience for all subjects when homeschooling (when moms suggest that option for having a beter handle on house chores)… or even the options out there with worksheets galore. The MFW Teacher’s guide, with the detailed check-boxes, has been bugging me ever since I saw the sample page in their catalog (and the price too, obviously!), so thank you for sharing your own planning and scheduling. I will definitely check that Trial and Triumph book from MFW. Thanks for the recommendation on it.

    And P.S., Your Bible focus also looks like a GREAT idea– not just “read” the NT books, but have a plan of attack for possible putting into action (sharing the Gospel) when an opportunity arises.

    Bravo! 🙂


    Sounds like you have a great plan:) Trial and Triumph is an awesome book. We plan to read it all the way through as we move through history. My son has enjoyed the stories. It was neat to learn that St. Augustine and my son were both baptized on Easter Eve:)

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