Combining SCM Modules/Lining up w/Truthquest….

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    O.k., getting ready to plan for next year and I’m wondering how best to combine the modules.  My eldest will be in 7th next year, so perfect to start the cycle all over again.  My dilemma is we also use Truthquest and I’m pretty certain I want to take the full 3 years for American History in 10th-12th grades (AOR series).  That’s going to mess up my SCM modules:)  I’m thinking I’d like to spend the full year on Ren./Ref. like SCM does, using my TQ guide, too. But any suggestions on thinning Modules 1-3 into two years?  One and a half modules per year, maybe?  I’m buying the module one guide this year for the first time. I usually add some books to the modules, but if I did them (almost:) as written would it be feasible to do 1 1/2 per year? Module one doesn’t look like a ton of reading.

    Or would it be better to use the SCM module cycles and do AOR I-III in 2 years instead? AOR sounds so rich, I want to do it justice. Has anybody done AOR yet?  Thanks for any suggestions….I haven’t had any issues so far because it was pretty easy to use TQ’s AHYS series condensed into 2 yrs.  But not sure about when we get to AOR and I need to plan for ancients NOW:)  Thanks, Gina


    I haven’t actually done this yet, but have thought about combining SCM Module 1-2 into 1 year by separating the Bible and History/Geography readings so one do one each day, if that makes sense. So we would do a Bible reading and a History reading each day. Then you could do mod 3 in the second year? Just a thought.

    I’ll be interested to hear what you do since I recently discovered Truthquest and am thinking about how to mesh them with the SCM Modules too…




    This is the same plan I have in mind, though my odest is only 8. Smile 

    You can quite easily combine Mods 1 & 2 into one year since there is only one day of history per week, one day of geography, and three days of Bible in each guide. You’d have Bible six days a week, but it is realistic to do more than one Bible lesson a day, but a little Bible every day is really good too! Then, two days of history a week and two days of geo a week and you’ll finish both mods in one year, still leaving Fridays rather lite. Then, you can spend a full year on Mod3 with TQ Rome, even, or Church History. Then moving onto TQ MA + Ren/Ref with Mod 4, and to AOR I-III.

    Hope that helps a bit.


    I like that idea!  I did think the module one guide didn’t look too heavy and had planned on adding other TQ books…but I guess if I keep it as is it wouldn’t be difficult to double up since Bible is history and we already are used to doing Bible and History (if that makes sense:)  Thanks so much for the input….now off to find module 2 books when I thought I’d bought about everything!  Anybody selling any?  🙂   Blessings, Gina


    You’re welcome, Gina. 🙂

    Gina, I was hoping to have my list put up, but the storm damage has taken the wind out of my sails, and we are working hard at getting people in to do repairs. Finding someone reputable that is not a storm chaser is a challenge, but we are working on it. The insurance adjuster came, and we have more damage than we thought – new roof, siding, screens on 8 windows, 3 window frames, guttering, and so it goes on….so we have a lot of research to do as we cannot afford any mistakes. If I get time I will get to my list and then put it up and let you know. At the moment I don’t have a second to think straight, so apologies.


    Oh my, Linda. So sorry you guys have so much damage. After all you’ve been through you deserve a storm reprieve:(  Don’t worry about it.  If you happen to find some Greece books for 9-12 yo.’s I’d love to see them, but don’t be concerned about it right now!!!!  Prayers to you and your family.

    And erin.kate and Jen….your wisdom is more than you know!  We recently got word that a former flight attendant who travels to Europe w/hubby’s missionary work is offering to fly myself and the kids FREE next year and we hope to visit my grandmother in Athens.  DUH….we certainly should study Greece this year:)  Thanks again!  Gina


    Wow, that is so fantastic. I bet I can fit in your suitcase!! What a year you have in store!


    Yes, we’re excited.  Kids have never met their great-grandma….and who can beat a free stay and food in Athens (grandma and  relatives used to own a restaurant and are AWESOME cooks:)   We almost went this year, but the turmoil in Greece looked scary….hope things settle by next year or we will have to re-think.  Thanks again….can’t wait to study Greece next year:)  Gina

    Prayers for the people of Greece, Europe is in a terrible state and I fear for their future the way things are right now. Neo Nazi and Communist parties appear to be raising their ugly heads there….watch carefully and lets hope things will have settled by next year. Athens is a wonderful place, well it was when I went in the 80s, and so much to see and do, just like Italy…great people, food and sights…I will pray for you family there and your trip to be possible and safe. Linda


    Thanks, Linda.  We hope that it’s safe to go next year.  My grandma is in her mid-80’s and we’ve not be able to afford plane tickets for us all. It would be a shame to not be able to visit now because of the unrest, when we can all fly for free.  She’s had a break-in at her condo and some of my relatives are taking paycuts because of being teachers/gov.’t. employees….people w/Phd’s and already weren’t making much.  The Dr.’s are sometimes paid under the table if you want to get the care you desire.  Some Dr.’s have signs in their offices that they haven’t been paid in a year.  Very sad state of things.  Thanks for prayers, Gina

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