Combining CM ideas with ACE

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  • Becky

    Would it work to add living books to the ACE high school World History? A book of centuries? The same for the American History paces.

    I’ve been thinking I’d like to add a morning time – scripture, pledges(my youngest has hardly ever hear them!), Lord’s prayer, etc.,  rotating  picture study, hymns, poets, composer, nature study.  I would like to do this regardless of what we use for the rest of ‘school’.


    It ALWAYS works to add living books to anything, hehehehe. We are going with a textbook spine this year which is out of character for our homeschool, but using it half pace with living books I think will work.


    True…..    I was thinking of the workload.  There are the allotted number of pages each day to finish each pace(12) in 3 weeks.

    Any map activities (with clear directions) you could suggest?

    Karen Smith

    A book of centuries can be used with any curriculum. It’s just a timeline in a book. 🙂

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