I have a 16 year old daughter who COULD graduate after next year-1 year early. I am curious about CollegePlus and wondering if anyone really uses it? If so, would you mnd giving a review of it?
Hi Pam, my son has been working on his degree using College Plus principles, but without paying for their services. I recently had the opportunity to attend a CP workshop at a homeschool convention, and think they have an excellent program. It all depends on if you want to pay them to help you navigate through the process or if you want to work through it on your own. If you have an specific questions, I’d love to help – just PM me :).
BTW, tonight CP is hosting a live webinar with Pastor Voddie Baucham called “A Parents Perspective on College”. You might still be able to register.
My oldest is signed up for College Prep for her senior year but a friend of mine is planning the same route as Heather by doing it themselves. Definitely a personal choice to do it with assistance or plan it yourself. For us, having 4 other children that I’m hs’ing was a big factor for me. I also tend to second guess myself a lot so I think some outside accountability would be good for us. So far our phone calls with College Plus have been superb!
As far as the College plus approach to a degree, we feel that the dual credit for her senior year will help her decide on if she enjoys this or not. Huge benefit…a Bachelor degree in almost half the time for less than what an associate’s degree at our local count college would be. We are still going his Thursday as a matter of fact to visit a local county college. She could always take one or two classes if she wants to be part of a group setting.
Overall…her goals are to something with her passion and talents in the fiber arts. Maybe opening a yarn shop someday or expanding our little online business(we sell angora rabbit fiber for spinning) so she’s most likely looking at a business degree. Hope this helps a bit!
We have not to this point. However, we have 2 families in our area who are using it. I believe one boy has graduated already. So, yes, people do actually use it.
If you do decide to go the route w/out CP, there are many helpful resources out there. There is an excellent group you can join called ClepforHomeschool through yahoo. Also a great book to get you started is College without Compromise. Then there’s also http://clepprep.tripod.com/cleplessonplans/ . I could go on. I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but it has worked out well for us. My son is in 11th grade and nearly half way done with his BA degree – it is definitely doable. Blessings!
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