Co-op classes


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  • 4myboys

    We have a group of about 15 homeschooling families in our area.  Currently we usually get together Thursday afternoons for some kind of activity –usually physical activity (such as swimming, sledding, or indoor gym type activities) every second afternoon and crafts, field trip or other events (bit of a valentine’s party this coming Thursday). Our children ages range from toddlers to grade 8, with two or three highschool students on the fringes.  Our group is also primarily boys.  

    Several moms have expressed an interest in more organized co-op type classes next year, and while I would consider teaching a class –histroy, geography, or English Lit — maybe for the older group, I really don’t know how to get started with something like this because none of us have ever been involved in a co-op before.  

    How does your co-op group do it?  Can you give me an example of how you have prepared for, scheduled and taught a co-op class for one of these subjects?




    I only have a moment, but check my co-op’s website – I lead this group of 25-30 families and we meet meet 3x month from 9-1 for 3 blocks of classes. It’s been wonderful.

    If you search you might find where I’ve shared about my group before here on the forum. Otherwise, I’ll pop in tomorrow with more info.


    Our co-op meets on Monday afternoons, three times/month, from 1-3.  The children in the classes have ranged from 4-15.  We have divided the kids into two groups.  The dividing line is age 10. Once you reach age 10, you are in the older kids class (writing instruction.)  The younger children’s time is divided into an hour of history related activities (story time, art, songs, group story writing during the first hour) and then a boys game time and girls classical ballet instruction. 

    If you are going to teach a “core” subject, I HIGHLY suggest that you have a “team” teaching situation (read substitute back up plan.)  You never know when you might not be able to teach, or for how long.  Or, have a syllabus with lessons that can be completed at home without depending on you to teach it. 

    We’ve had unforseen issues this year with illnesses, accident rehab etc. that have meant having moms who are willing to fill in, or having to cancel/postpone meeting dates. 

    Having a planning meeting with those who are interested will help you determine which direction the co-op should/might go.  If you are the only one willing to head it up, you need to sit down and write out how/what you’d be willing to coordinate and for what/how much you are willing to take on at this point.  Weigh your at home responsibilities carefully against adding co-op to your days.  If your kids are struggling at home to get their studies completed, adding a heavy load of teaching other people’s children may take more time away from your kids than you should take from them.  But, if everything is in place at home with studies and those things you take care of for your husband, by all means, get the other families together for some added interaction. 

    Have fun with it!

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