I am teaching a co-op art class this year and I am trying to introduce some of the famous artists and then have them do a project relating to their style. I am having trouble finding some good art prints of some of the less well known artists and was wondering if anyone knew of a good place to purchase multiple post card prints (like Sonya has used) or larger poster prints (inexpensive) and also if there are any good sites that have catalogs I can request. I have googled art print catalogs and have come up with nothing. Haven’t had much luck at the library either and some of the books I did find are reference only and can’t be checked out. I know some of you moms out there have some resources to recommend. You are always so good at that! Thanks
I’m not sure who you’re looking for, but Ambleside usually links to prints that are on their list for the year. You might try there. That’s where one of the moms from my co-op gets them and prints them from for our co-op artist study. Hopefully that helps some!