Well, there are at least 2 places I know of to get the CM series formatted for the Kindle (.prc format – will also work with Mobipocket Reader on LOTS of devices….)
First is in the Files area of the AmbleRamble Yahoo group. To join the AmbleRamble Yahoo group, you need to join the Amblesideonline Yahoo group – and then the AmbleRamble Yahoo group has the link…. Then in AmbleRamble, it is in the files section. There is both Modern English versions, and original there.
But I see it is also now on the Ambleside Online Website. I understand that we can only put a link on here to the main page… so from the main page, select Library, then CM Series. then go to the VERY bottom of the page, and you will see “Courtesy of Blossom Barden: .prc files for eReader:” and links to the files. I think these are only the original.
These two sources are I think the same files, as both are from Blossom. I know I have another set I got somewhere, but not sure where…
hope that helps.