CM's List of Attainments for A Child of 6 vs. SCM Early Years DVD?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating CM's List of Attainments for A Child of 6 vs. SCM Early Years DVD?


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  • Alicia Hart

    I was just reading on about the list of attainments that CM had for children the age of 6 (or earlier?).  How does this fit in with SCM’s early years reccomendations?

    I have not read anything about this specifically in SCM’s Early Years book.  I have not watched the DVD all the way through yet.

    It looks like Jennifer Mackintosh implements these goals in  her pre k/kinder plans?

    Any thoughts?

    Alicia Hart

    Okay, my dd put this bird picture gravatar with my name!  I just now noticed it!  Ugh!


    I used to wonder this, too, until I realized that Charlotte said a child OF six, not a child BY six. Although if you look at the list, many of these things are learned naturally by young children just by living in a rich environment and not stuck in front of a screen for hours a day. Hours outdoors, enriching living books, playing…these all serve to soften the ground where seeds are planted later on. When formal instruction begins at age six, the child already has the soil tilled and is ready to sprout those seeds of living ideas.


    Robin, that the realization I came to. I freaked out and was like holy moly if we don’t “start school” until age 6 how could they know all that then. Then I realized the by the end of year one jus before age 7 is much more realistic.

    Alicia Hart

    Thanks Robin,  that makes the most sense.  I have been tyring to find the origianl documentation for this and had not been able to yet.   Thanks for your input.

    I agree Kayla, by the end of Year One is much more realistic!


    Is this in one of the six volumes?

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