CMOrganizer Out of Order?

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  • artcmomto3

    For the past couple of days I have been having an issue with the CMO. When I would minimize a resource or check that a lesson was completed a box would pop up saying there was trouble saving it and I needed to refresh the page. Today an added issue was that I was unable to expand resources and lessons planned on other days. Now I am unable to access the CMO at all. I wanted to make the SCM tech team aware of this if you already are not. Perhaps the CMO is unaccessible because you are already working on it. If so, will it be up and running again tomorrow?


    Hmmmmm…It says 502 Bad Gateway. Logging out and back in does nothing. I am able to access it with no problems from my iPad, so it is not on your end. What do I do on my end? I am using Safari, if that matters.

    Jordan Smith

    It sounds like there might be something stuck in your web browser’s cache or cookies. You can clear those on Safari by going to the Safari menu and choosing Preferences. Then go to the Privacy section and click the button under Cookies and website data labeled Details. From there, type “simplycharlottemason” into the search box, select the record for SCM, and click Remove.

    Once you’ve done that, try loading the CM Organizer again and see if that fixed it.


    Thank you, Jordan! It worked! 🙂


    Aw, darn! I was just about to say that….

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