OK, I love being able to open up five days of lessons to print out each week and give my kids directions, but has anyone figured out a way to type in instructions for kids when you’re not using one division a day. For example – one book – I’d like to schedule for every day, but the child should be just working on ONE chapter for the entire week. I’m sure after a few weeks my kiddo will remember what to do, but just thought I’d ask to see if anyone had figured out a trick for entering some basic instructions or notes that show up when you print out the schedule…. or even when you print out the resource page.
You know where I enter it is down at the bottom where you put in: book, lesson etc. I just hit it writen like this: book-9pg a day or like in science; science 1 ch/bi-wkly, or in copywork – lesson – 1 a day. HOpe that helps Misty
You girls are so good at using this! If I do a custom Study Method – will that show up on the Daily Plan, I see that it does on my Scheduled resources. I definitely don’t want to be entering it into the notes.
Misty – you’re putting it in where it says says Divisions? But then still entering individual chapters in the numbered slots for divisions? Is that right? Does that show up on a daily plan?
Yes that’s correct Rebekahy – it works if it’s small and simple like I said above. But for say my typing resource it wouldn’t allow that many so I had to copy and paste it each week numbered slots cause I wanted it to say: Mon.-lesson, Tues.-lesson, Wed.-game, Thurs.-narration That was to many characters so I typed once and pasted 35 more times