CMO – reports printing funny

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  • Rebekahy

    When I printed out the daily plan today, I’m getting a super large blank right hand margin.  It has the normal size spot for the notes, but there’s another column running down the middle with nothing in it and my left hand column with the assignments is super squished.  Is there something new that I’m missing?



    Jordan Smith

    I just checked that and it looks like we must have accidentally introduced an issue when we updated something else. I’ll let our programmer know so we can get it fixed.


    Thanks!  I was kinda hoping it might be a new field which let you know which days of the week each subject is scheduled.

    Jordan Smith

    We did a quick update to fix this issue. The Daily Plan printout should look right now.

    I was kinda hoping it might be a new field which let you know which days of the week each subject is scheduled.

    This is an interesting idea. Are you thinking of something like on the Scheduler page with the week icons that show which days the resource is scheduled?

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