CMO – Now or Wait?

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  • artcmomto3

    How many children do you have and use with the CMO, and are they all school age?

    For this first year homeschooling, and it only being one child, I decided to create my own paper planner.  I didn’t find anything out there that I liked, so I did my own thing.  I don’t mind the paper, but I do have lots of scratch-outs where we didn’t get to something a particular day and had to move it to the next or next….or next…you get the picture.

    Next year I am adding a kindergartner.  I’m debating if the CMO will be worth it since technically I will still only have one doing the Modules and such.  Or will it help quite a bit since I will be planning extra reading, writing, math for the younger?

    I have yet to use the free trial and was saving it for when I might really want to purchase it.  I have heard wonderful things about the CMO, and I can see the value of it with multiple kids esp., but is it worth it with my kids so young?

    Doug Smith

    Don’t worry about using up the free trial now if you want to test it. If you need another trial later just let us know and we’ll reset it for you.


    With those scratch-outs you are doing already, the Organizer prevents that and keeps all your records.  I think that it is totally worth it.  =)


    I think it’s worth it, even with smaller kids. I wish I had been using it when my were smaller, too, if just to keep track of all the books we read and to NOT have all the paper issues.

    I would encourage you to try it whenever you feel like it, then take the SCM team up on their offer of resetting if you need one more month to really “get it.” I use the free trial one month and didn’t really take the time to understand it and was given the extra reset time. At about week 3, I noticed I was no longer using my old way of recordkeeping. The nice thing about the reset is that they save everything for you, so you not adding resources again just to use the extra time. Isn’t that nice?? Even if you take a break for a bit, say on your school break, when you come back, it’s still all there. (Please correct me if I’m wrong, SCM team.)

    Anyhow, I love it!


    Thank you, Doug!  I think I’ll try it out this summer when we start our new year and I add in my 2nd child.

    Jordan Smith

    Even if you take a break for a bit, say on your school break, when you come back, it’s still all there. (Please correct me if I’m wrong, SCM team.)

    Nothing wrong with that statement at all. If your account is canceled or expires, we keep the data for at least a year so that you can come and go as you please.


    Artcmomto3,  I have one dd (7.5 yrs.).  Our 1st year (1st grade) of Home School I used a written planner.  Scratch, scratch, whiteout, scratch!!!  I started out 2nd grade with a what is touted as being the ultimate written planner.  Result was even more scratch, scratch, whiteout, scratch!!!  About 8wks in to 2nd grade I found the SCMO.  I now consider it the HS tool I won’t live without.  It has made planning and follow through so much easier for me.  I recommend it to everyone who talks to me about planner/scheduling issues.  If it has helped me so much with just one dc than I can’t imagine how beneficial it must be with multiple children!!!!  Give it a try and enjoy!!!

    The CMO is the best tool I have found to keep track of what we’ve done as well as what we plan to do. Planning and records are 100X easier now. I hope I never have to go back to doing it the old way.

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