CMO and Record Keeping

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  • amandajhilburn

    This may be a dumb question, but here goes…..I’ve got one kiddo who will be doing mostly 7th grade work this fall and I’d like to start keeping better records to prepare myself for highschool. If figure it might take me 2 years to develop that habit! LOL! 

    So…would using the CMO make this easier than just writing everything down, like I usually do? Have any of you used your CMO reports to compile needed info for your child’s transcript?


    I think it would. I don’t use it, yet. I am planning on using it this year for my 8th, 9th, and 12th graders. I love the idea that it keeps track of everything so when it’s time to do transcripts, I know where to look.


    Yes, I do.  I use the Organizer reports and my own course description forms to make my transcripts.  My “courses” do not always line up exactly with line entries on Organizer–often I will have more than one book in a course but usually scheduled separately on the Org. 

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