CM Reading (Delightful Reading Question)

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  • LillyLou


    I’ve written about my readers before-an almost 9 “struggling” reader and a 4 1/2 year old “begged to be taught” reader.  My 9yo is plugging away and making slow progress with Delightful Reading.  My 4 1/2 year old hit the ground running, then stopped.  She picked up all the -at words great; she can read and write all the ones I’ve taught her, knows all of her letters and their sounds, and can write most of them in upper and lower case.  She also loves to copy words and sentences.  Now, though, she feels that moving from -at words to -en words is just silly.  She really gets mad when I show her ‘en’, say it, and ask her to repeat it back.  Angry.  What do I do?  She asked me to teach her! And yet she won’t let me move beyond -at words, which she has down pat.  (no pun intended LOL).  Should I just let her live with -at until she asks me to show her more?  Or should I insist on moving on when she asks for a “reading lesson”?  I kind of have an internal conflict between letting her guide me in what she’s ready for, and insisting on obedience because I KNOW she’s ‘academically’ ready to move on.  Advice?  Thanks!


    She is very young, and if you let it go she will eventually want to learn more. If it is pressed, she may continue to refuse. My dd did this at 4, and I just let her play around with what she wanted to learn until 5. I never pushed, and I still don’t at 5. They learn so much better when it is from their own initiative, and keeping learning fun for them at a young age is important. As they get older they will be developmentally ready for more things.

    Sounds like she is doing great! Relax and enjoy. 🙂


    I agree.  With that age, I’d say do things at their pace, even if you feel they are ready for more.  

    The only formal lessons I “require” of my young ones are Suzuki Violin, and Swim Lessons.  (Swim lessons they love… and violin is just life here.)  I do math and reading with them at their speed and interest.

    (That said, my very advanced 5.5 yo is doing a Year 1 this year, so I require school from her…. but she was finished a grade 1 math doing her own speed, and reads about the same as her 8yo brother, and listened to most of his school last year) 


    Thanks ladies.  This is really quite funny, because I’m the one who usually reminds people that their littles are little and not to push it and that just letting them listen in and be as involved as they want is all the school they need.  I’m totally into the Dr.Raymond Moore thing with not coaxing a child into reading at a young age, but the child asked me to teach her and started reading!  She totally threw a monkey wrench into the deal by doing that, and now I’m all discombobulated.  So thanks for putting me right side up again.  I guess I’ll just get out the ‘ol Cat in the Hat books and let her read the -at words when we get to them, and when she gets tired of that, I’ll try the -en thing again…

    AGAIN, you guys are great


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