CM quotes…suggestions please

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  • alice

    I’m getting my teacher binder ready for the school year, and I was looking for some good quotes from CM that I can print out and put on the cover.  Anyone here have any favorite quotes??

    Sonya Shafer

    “Do not let the endless succession of small things crowd great ideals out of sight and out of mind.”

    “Do not sit up late preparing lessons; what you seem to gain in preparation you lose by tiredness next day.”

    “Truly parents are happy people—to have God’s children lent to them.”

    “The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days; while she who lets their habits take care of themselves has a weary life of endless friction with the children.”

    . . . for starters. Smile


    Thank you, Sonya! 


    This is the one that keeps me motivated, especially during planning season.

    The reader will say with truth,–“I knew all this before and have always acted more or less on these principles”; and I can only point to the unusual results we obtain through adhering not ‘more or less,’ but strictly to the principles and practices I have indicated. I suppose the difficulties are of the sort that Lister had to contend with; every surgeon knew that his instruments and appurtenances should be kept clean, but the saving of millions of lives has resulted from the adoption of the great surgeon’s antiseptic treatment; that is from the substitution of exact principles scrupulously applied for the rather casual ‘more or less’ methods of earlier days.


    Oh, that’s a good one too! I read that just a week or so ago, and thought it was a good one to remember.

    Here is one I found.

    The intellectual life, like every manner of spiritual life, has but one food whereby it lives and grows––the sustenance of living ideas. It is not possible to repeat this too often or too emphatically, for perhaps we err more in this respect than any other in bringing up children. We feed them upon the white ashes out of which the last spark of the fire of original thought has long since died. We give them second-rate story books, with stale phrases, stale situations, shreds of other people’s thoughts, stalest of stale sentiments.

    Karen Smith

    Here’s one that I like. It’s a bit long, but so true when it comes to true education.

    it is not a bad test of education to be able to give the points of a description, the sequence of a series of incidents, the links in a chain of argument, correctly, after a single careful reading. . . . But this is only one way to use books: others are to enumerate the statements in a given paragraph or chapter; to analyse a chapter, to divide it into paragraphs under proper headings, to tabulate and classify series; to trace cause to consequence and consequence to cause; to discern character and perceive how character and circumstance interact; to get lessons of life and conduct, or the living knowledge which makes for science, out of books; all this is possible for school boys and girls, and until they have begun to use books for themselves in such ways, they can hardly be said to have begun their education. (Vol. 3, p. 180)


    Oh, I’m working on my plans for the fall and I’m gonna steal your idea 🙂 A list of quotes to keep me focused is a great idea!!

    blue j

    I will borrow this idea as well. 🙂

    I collect quotes like some people collect knick knacks, so this thread is right up my alley.



    I thought I remembered seeing once an actual logo or something that had the kids motto on it.  Does anyone know where to find something like that?  I think it was a circle with the motto on the inside or outside of it.  I’d like to print it out and put it on our wall.

    If someone knows what I’m talking about, and could direct me to where to find it, I’d be very greatful!


    I believe they had a pin with a nightingale on it with “I am; I can; I ought; I will” printed there also. I am not sure where I read about it, but I’ve tried in vain to find a picture of it. I would love to use something similar for our CM co-op t-shirts and fine arts bags that we will have printed soon.

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Alice,

    You can see the badge, mottoes and pins at the Charlotte Mason Digital Collection by typing in a search of badge or mottoes.

    They’re pretty cool. 

    @Christie “fine art bags” – those sound cool as well 🙂


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