CM Organizer Update and Scheduled Down Time

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  • Doug Smith

    We have some good news for all of you who use the CM Organizer and Bookfinder.

    A new version of the CM Organizer is coming next week. The Organizer will be unavailable during the upgrade, which we have scheduled to start Friday, February 13 at 11:00 PM (eastern). We have reserved all day Saturday for the upgrade but hope to finish sooner.

    Want to know what’s new? Here’s a short video that tells about it:


    I guess we’ll just have to take that weekend off, then. lol

    Very exciting changes! I can’t wait!


    The changes look like great ideas and will help in the use of the organizer. Thanks for the upgrade. I hope the upgrade process goes smoothly.(smiley face) I would insert one of those yellow smiley faces but I don’t know how you do that…does anyone know?


    Just curious – on the video, I noticed on the Daily Plan an area that reads ‘Show Upcoming Assignments’. Will this be something new too, or is it still in the works. Seeing all the assignments for the week, on Monday, is one thing that would make me do cartwheels – LOL.

    Thank you, SCM, for continually working toward making the organizer “fit”. 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    Currently in the Organizer, you can see the next two assignments for each resource. They are listed below the checkboxes. In the new streamlined version, we’ve hid those upcoming assignments but you can choose to see them if you want to by clicking that “Show Upcoming Assignments.”

    We’re still working on figuring out how to “see into the future.” One of the strengths of the Organizer is that it follows your life, not the calendar. So trying to “calendar-ize” assignments for a week makes for an interesting puzzle. 🙂

    Doug Smith

    @richpond, You can make a smiley like this :-) or a wink like this ;-). The forum software automatically converts it to a smiley.

    There are many other types of smiles that I can’t remember how to type, though. So to make it easy, I just installed a little smiley pop-up menu above the post writing box. Enjoy. 🙂



    You are great!! :D, Thanks.





    Ahh…I notice now that the two next assignments are not showing on the new version and it makes sense now why the ‘Show Upcoming Assignments’ option is there.

    I guess I was thinking about the next five assignments showing, but now realize that not all ‘subjects’ are scheduled daily. I understand what you mean by ‘calendarizing’ the organizer and how that would be a challenging task. 🙂

    Thanks, Sonya. (And Doug, for the wonderful changes!)


    I think that video just inspired me to try the CM Organizer again.

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