I just got finished planning my CM year, term, etc. with DVDs (thanks, Sonya, they are wonderful!) Now I have some questions regarding the CM Organizer.
I am going to do 3 Terms. To give us 180 days with year-round school, I need to average 15 days a month. I work part time (on average of 6 to 8 days a month). I never know exactly which day of the week it will be until the month before when I bid, but I want to have a shorter term goal to make sure we are on track. I think breaking it down into Terms make perfect sense so we don’t get too far into the school year and realize we are off track.
Okay. So now for my question: Is there a Term split in the CM Organizer? Can I enter all three terms and separate them, or do I have to enter one term at a time and try to keep an eye on the date? Since I need to average 15 days, should we just list the assignment for every weekday (since I can’t do a particular assignment on *Tuesdays*, for example) and just label it as “worked on” until we reach our term goal for that subject?
You’ve got an interesting situation, Cindie. I’ll be happy to throw in my suggestions and hopefully others will have some ideas too.
If I were in your scheduling situation, I think I’d do it this way. Schedule everything I want to do for first term, then set up what I want to do for second term to Start After those resources. For example, if we were working through a Famous Men book that would last all year, but I wanted to cover only 7 of the chapters during first term, I would schedule Famous Men, chapters 1-7. Then I would schedule Famous Men, chapters 8-16 (or whatever the breakdown might be) to Start After the first Famous Men resource. That way I could see when my term break would come. Does that make sense? Or you could even schedule the second “installment” for a specific date when you want to start Term 2. That might give you a visual reminder when you’re looking at the Scheduler and see what date that book is supposed to start. I guess it depends on how strictly you want to stick to your calendar.
As far as days of the week, it would probably be easiest to schedule the resources for every day of the week. Then you can manually “close” the resources you won’t be using on each day when you do school work. I would probably make five index cards called Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, and list the subjects I want to cover on those days (if you have different subjects on different days). Then rotate through them, so you’ll remember which “day” you’re on the next time you’re off work. You could just look at the index card for whichever “day” you’re on and use that to know which resources to close up on the Daily Plan and which to leave active.
Let me know if these ideas are clear as mud. I’m not sure I’m explaining them fully.
Very clear, Sonya. So you are saying get a physical index card box to rotate my subjects on my days to make sure I don’t keep doing the same ones. That’s a great idea!
I didn’t know I could schedule another “installment” for a specific date in the Organizer. That would make things a lot easier so I see how close we were getting to our goal.
I couldn’t list the books in G through D in the Organizer, though, just the lessons; right? Well, I think I can doing a “use with.” I can’t do a “use with” on a division, just a resource, right? How do I break my school year up into installments? Do I start a different schedule starting on a different date; for example, first term is September through December and the second one is January through April; so I label January 1, and start adding the resources for Term 2? Is this possible?
Right, you can’t “use with” a division, only a resource. If you want to enter the separate books recommended in G through D, you could easily add them as you’re ready for them.
Yes, you could put a January 1, 2010, start date for your Term 2 resources, sure. (Just make sure you put 2010! )
I was just brainstorming when I saw your response. Please see if this makes sense.
We do school when I’m home and take off when I’m gone. This averages out to 3 weeks on, 1 week off every month. My goal of 15 days a month is very easily doable with this. So if I were to have a busy month in July, for example, I would just do 20 days of school in June so ease up for July; right? I was also thinking about putting the subjects I was going to accomplish and how many days a month (say, Math 15) and put this in my journal under “gentle reminders” and add tally marks to symbolize the amount of days it has been done. This way I can look at a glance no matter where I am and how to plan for the future. Also, I would only have one schedule in the CM Organizer and then tally marks for my calendar. Does this make sense?
Three weeks on and one week off is what we have been doing without realizing it, but I wanted to say “thank you” for mentioning this and other types of schedules in the Planning your CM education DVD. It has been such a blessing!