CM Organizer questions

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  • amyalk

    I am trying out the organizer and have a couple of questions.

    1) Is it possible to set up a repeating assignment? For example, say I want my daughter to review or practice a list of things and I set up ten divisions listing what she is to review. Once she finishes the tenth one, I want her to start back at the first one and do it all over again. Do I have to keep typing up the ten divisions over and over again or is there an easier way to do this?

    2) Can I indicate that I want my child to read two chapters or do two lessons of something when I print the daily checklist or do I have to type that in the notes box?




    I am not expert but here are the best to my knowledge answers: 1. Yes you have to repeat typing the assignments, 2. when I put in an assignment I put the #of pages I want them to do or say ‘1lesson’ in the division spot.  So in the division area I just write: Book – 9pg a Day, or 1 Chapter a week.  Hope that helps this is just what I do? Misty

    Jordan Smith

    1) Is it possible to set up a repeating assignment? For example, say I want my daughter to review or practice a list of things and I set up ten divisions listing what she is to review. Once she finishes the tenth one, I want her to start back at the first one and do it all over again. Do I have to keep typing up the ten divisions over and over again or is there an easier way to do this?

    Right now, we don’t have a way to schedule a resource to repeat, but you can re-schedule a resource once it’s finished. You can even schedule a resource multiple times for the same student. (And the repeating resource idea is on our wishlist.)

    2) Can I indicate that I want my child to read two chapters or do two lessons of something when I print the daily checklist or do I have to type that in the notes box?

    You can add a custom study method to any scheduled resource, such as “Read two chapters each day.” That will show on each assignment for that resource on the Daily Plan.


    Thanks so much for your reply Misty and Jordan. It will be really helpful to be able to re-schedule a resource.


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