I’m new to the organizer…I am wondering when you are adding a resource that’s you are only using select chapters/lessons, and you hit “select exercises” is there a quicker way to deselect lessons you are not using other than to tap each one at a time?
At the top, you can Select All/None, which will either highlight all of them or none of them. Then you can go through a select the few that you wish to use and rearrage their order. Does that answer your question?
Sort of…for example in Spelling Wisdom 1 there are 140 lessons but only 70 recommended for one year…it was cumbersome to hit 70 lessons to deselect…just didn’t know if there was a trick that allowed more of a drag and highlight type of option that was a bit more efficient. No biggie if not, but if there is a better way I would like to know so I can benefit. If not it’s fine. Thanks!
just didn’t know if there was a trick that allowed more of a drag and highlight type of option that was a bit more efficient.
There is a way, but it only works on a computer because you need to hold down the shift key. First click the link to deselect all divisions. Click the first division in the range you want to schedule, then shift-click the last division in the range you want to schedule. Everything in between should be selected. You can also do this multiple times if, for example, you’d like to schedule 1-5, 8-11, and 17-20.
Or you can schedule the entire resource, and whatever you don’t finish this year will already be in your plan for next year. That’s what we’ve done w/ Spelling Wisdom!