CM Organizer – Ordering subjects

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  • rhapsidee777

    Hi, does anyone know if you can order subjects on the CM Organizer so that it uses different parts of the brain as CM suggested? If not, how will the child know which subject to do when so that he does not do the subjects in the “wrong” order?

    Kind Regards


    Jordan Smith

    The CM Organizer lists your subjects in alphabetical order. You could create your own offline weekly schedule with the subjects in the order you would like them to be done. There’s a free printable weekly schedule template at the bottom of our Planning page.


    Hi, thanks but this is not a good solution for me. We are currently using another online planner that does include this feature, in fact, all the other online planners I have used in the past includes the ability to move subjects around so it shows in a specified order in the calender/schedule. This helps students see at one glance what they will be doing and in which order, instead of asking them to check that calender as well as another sheet showing the order. That is just not practical, especially if you have 4 kids and some of the are young, this only confuses them. I was considering moving over to CM Organizer from my current planner, but it does not include this basic feature so I can’t. CM Organizer works out at $95.40 per year. My current planner costs only $65 per year and it includes this feature I need. So for me it won’t make sense to move over as this is much more expensive and has less features.


    May I ask which planner you are using? I’m between this one and another also and being able to move subjects and adding hyperlinks is a need for me also.



    I’m using Homeschool Tracker. I tried some of the other popular ones like Homeschool Planet and Homeschool Panda but both of them were very slow in loading and just frustrating me a lot. Well, that was the main thing, some of the Panda features didn’t work properly, like the dates kept messing up (technical glitches). And Homeschool Planet there some things I didn’t like (which I can’t all remember now, but it wasn’t technical glitches, just how the features worked). Homeschool Tracker seems overwhelming at first but it’s worth watching the videos etc. It is just made better technically, although still has a nice design, etc. And it does not just hang while it waits loading, they specifically made it like that. I don’t think I’ll change my planner ever again, unless of course, I find something even better.

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