I am new to the CM Organizer, but seem to be having an issue. When I mark an assignment complete, it checks as finished, however, at the end of the day as I am looking through the daily plan page, I am noticing several things that we did TODAY, July 12, is showing that it was done yesterday on July 11. When I ran a daily report, sure enough, it showed very few things as done today. Very strange. Jordan, any help would be appreciated. Also, when I mark an item as complete, the next assignment will pop up. I am finding myself scrolling though the daily plan trying to figure out what has been done and what hasn’t and it throws me off when an assignment shows underneath Spelling, for example, when I have already done it. Visually it would just be so much easier if there was a way to scroll through and see the things that are done blank and marked complete. It would make the items that are not done stand out as I am glancing through. I like the idea of being able to do the next assignment if I want that to show but I wish it weren’t automatically there, if that makes sense??? Maybe this is not an issue for other moms, but with 5 school age kiddos, I need all the help I can get! Thanks for the help in advance. 🙂
Once you click on finished and the CMO brings up the next assignment, click on the lesson’s title with the down arrow on the left hand side. It should close it for the day and then you won’t have all the clutter of the next day’s lessons to dig through as you move through your day.
I’m hoping that makes sense. That’s what we do after each completed lesson. The list of “to-do’s” gets shorter as the day goes along.
For example…
Literature will list the chapter assigned in a listed book for the day. Click on worked on, finished. It will then go to the next chapter, but you will click just above it on the book title with the down arrow to the left and it will close the “Today” box.
Regan, can you give me some examples of resources you marked completed on the 12th that are showing on your report for the 11th? If you would prefer to keep those records private, feel free to send them through our contact form.
Here’s a way to keep track of the assignments you’re done with for today: After you mark off the assignments you completed or worked on today, hit the triangle next to that resource to collapse it. Then only the assignments you still need to work on will be open. You’ll have to re-open those resources the next day. (I’m checking with the programmers right now to find out if we can add a one-click way to open everything back up! 🙂 )
So sorry it has taken me so long to reply on this. Almost every resource that shows completed on the 11th was actually done on the 12th. We have a newborn and he had a doctors appointment on Wednesday, July 11th. I was hoping to do school that day, but due to the days events we only did one or two things before deciding we would just take the day off. I am showing a good bit in my reports for the 11th but almost none of it was done on that day. Do you need me to specifically list each resource? Is there any way to go in and see that it was actually checked complete on the 12th?
Regan, if you can give me one or two titles and the name of the assignment for each that should be showing on the 12th but instead is on the 11th, that will help me look at some specific examples and make a report for our programmers. The more specifics I can give them, the faster they can look into the problem.
By the way, we are very close to doing a small update that will include a one-click way to open up all the closed assignments on the Daily Plan. 🙂
Just wanted to follow up on the one-click option to open up all closed assignments on the Daily Plan. Today we did an update to add that feature. You should now see an “Expand All” link at the top of the Daily Plan, which will open every assignment that has been collapsed.
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